Date Author Title


2015-11-21Guy BruneauNmap 7.00 is out!


2024-05-22/a>Rob VandenBrinkNMAP Scanning without Scanning (Part 2) - The ipinfo API
2024-05-21/a>Rob VandenBrinkScanning without Scanning with NMAP (APIs FTW)
2022-10-31/a>Rob VandenBrinkNMAP without NMAP - Port Testing and Scanning with PowerShell
2022-05-25/a>Rob VandenBrinkUsing NMAP to Assess Hosts in Load Balanced Clusters
2022-02-03/a>Johannes UllrichKeeping Track of Your Attack Surface for Cheap
2021-05-31/a>Rick WannerQuick and dirty Python: nmap
2021-01-25/a>Rob VandenBrinkFun with NMAP NSE Scripts and DOH (DNS over HTTPS)
2020-05-18/a>Rick WannerAutomating nmap scans
2020-05-09/a>Rick WannerNmap Basics - The Security Practitioner's Swiss Army Knife
2020-05-08/a>Xavier MertensUsing Nmap As a Lightweight Vulnerability Scanner
2020-05-07/a>Bojan ZdrnjaScanning with nmap?s NSE scripts
2019-08-11/a>Didier StevensNmap Defcon Release: 7.80
2019-08-07/a>Bojan ZdrnjaVerifying SSL/TLS configuration (part 2)
2019-07-23/a>Bojan ZdrnjaVerifying SSL/TLS configuration (part 1)
2019-05-26/a>Didier StevensVideo: nmap Service Detection Customization
2017-08-01/a>Rob VandenBrinkRooting Out Hosts that Support Older Samba Versions
2017-07-01/a>Rick WannerUsing nmap to scan for MS17-010 (CVE-2017-0143 EternalBlue)
2017-01-13/a>Xavier MertensWho's Attacking Me?
2016-02-02/a>Johannes UllrichTargeted IPv6 Scans Using .
2016-01-26/a>Rob VandenBrinkPentest Time Machine: NMAP + Powershell + whatever tool is next
2015-11-21/a>Guy BruneauNmap 7.00 is out!
2015-11-08/a>Rick WannerDNS Reconnaissance using nmap
2014-08-12/a>Adrien de BeaupreHost discovery with nmap
2014-08-11/a>Bojan ZdrnjaVerifying preferred SSL/TLS ciphers with Nmap
2014-06-02/a>Rick WannerUsing nmap to scan for DDOS reflectors
2013-11-04/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezWhen attackers use your DNS to check for the sites you are visiting
2013-08-19/a>Rob VandenBrinkNMAP 6.40 Released (, Release Notes at
2013-07-20/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezDo you have rogue Internet gateways in your network? Check it with nmap
2013-07-01/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezUsing nmap scripts to enhance vulnerability asessment results
2012-11-30/a>Daniel WesemannNmap 6.25 released - lots of new goodies, see
2012-06-24/a>Rick Wannernmap 6.01 released -
2012-05-22/a>Johannes Ullrichnmap 6 released
2012-03-09/a>Guy BruneauNmap 5.61TEST5 released with 43 new scripts,improved OS & version detection, and more available for download -
2012-01-03/a>Rick Wannernmap 5.61TEST4 released
2011-12-06/a>Kevin ShorttC|Net serving malware with nmap software
2011-01-28/a>Guy BruneauNmap 5.50 Released
2010-03-29/a>Adrien de BeaupreNmap 5.30BETA1 released
2010-02-10/a>Marcus SachsDatacenters and Directory Traversals
2010-02-01/a>Rob VandenBrinkNMAP 5.21 - Is UDP Protocol Specific Scanning Important? Why Should I Care?
2010-01-27/a>Raul SilesNmap 5.21 released ( bug-fix only release.
2010-01-20/a>Guy BruneauNew stable version of Nmap (5.20) available for download:
2009-09-07/a>Jim is finally back
2009-07-16/a>Bojan ZdrnjaNmap 5.0 released
2009-05-24/a>Raul SilesIIS admins, help finding WebDAV remotely using nmap
2009-03-28/a>Rick WannerNew Beta release of Nmap
2009-01-21/a>Raul SilesNMAP Trivia ANSWERS: Mastering Network Mapping and Scanning
2008-12-28/a>Raul SilesNMAP Trivia: Mastering Network Mapping and Scanning
2008-09-20/a>Rick WannerNew (to me) nmap Features
2008-09-10/a>Adrien de BeaupreMailbag: OSSEC 1.6 released, NMAP 4.75 released
2006-12-08/a>Jim Clausingnmap-4.20 released


2025-01-30/a>Guy BruneauPCAPs or It Didn't Happen: Exposing an Old Netgear Vulnerability Still Active in 2025 [Guest Diary]
2024-09-25/a>Guy BruneauOSINT - Image Analysis or More Where, When, and Metadata [Guest Diary]
2023-07-12/a>Brad DuncanLoader activity for Formbook "QM18"
2023-06-22/a>Brad DuncanQakbot (Qbot) activity, obama271 distribution tag
2023-06-17/a>Brad DuncanFormbook from Possible ModiLoader (DBatLoader)
2023-05-14/a>Guy BruneauVMware Aria Operations addresses multiple Local Privilege Escalations and a Deserialization issue
2023-02-28/a>Brad DuncanBB17 distribution Qakbot (Qbot) activity
2022-12-16/a>Guy BruneauVMware Security Updates
2022-09-06/a>Didier StevensAnalysis of an Encoded Cobalt Strike Beacon
2022-09-04/a>Didier StevensVideo: VBA Maldoc & UTF7 (APT-C-35)
2022-08-29/a>Didier StevensUpdate: VBA Maldoc & UTF7 (APT-C-35)
2022-08-28/a>Didier StevensDealing With False Positives when Scanning Memory Dumps for Cobalt Strike Beacons
2022-08-26/a>Guy BruneauHTTP/2 Packet Analysis with Wireshark
2022-08-16/a>Didier StevensVBA Maldoc & UTF7 (APT-C-35)
2022-08-14/a>Johannes UllrichRealtek SDK SIP ALG Vulnerability: A Big Deal, but not much you can do about it. CVE 2022-27255
2022-07-09/a>Didier Stevens7-Zip Editing & MoW
2022-07-04/a>Didier Stevens7-Zip & MoW: "For Office files"
2022-07-03/a>Didier Stevens7-Zip & MoW
2022-06-09/a>Brad DuncanTA570 Qakbot (Qbot) tries CVE-2022-30190 (Follina) exploit (ms-msdt)
2022-05-11/a>Brad DuncanTA578 using thread-hijacked emails to push ISO files for Bumblebee malware
2022-01-12/a>Johannes UllrichA Quick CVE-2022-21907 FAQ
2021-12-18/a>Guy BruneauVMware Security Update -
2021-10-16/a>Guy BruneauApache is Actively Scan for CVE-2021-41773 & CVE-2021-42013
2021-10-06/a>Johannes UllrichApache 2.4.49 Directory Traversal Vulnerability (CVE-2021-41773)
2021-06-30/a>Johannes UllrichCVE-2021-1675: Incomplete Patch and Leaked RCE Exploit
2021-06-26/a>Guy BruneauCVE-2019-9670: Zimbra Collaboration Suite XXE vulnerability
2021-06-03/a>Jim ClausingStrange goings on with port 37
2021-04-08/a>Xavier MertensSimple Powershell Ransomware Creating a 7Z Archive of your Files
2021-02-24/a>Brad DuncanMalspam pushes GuLoader for Remcos RAT
2020-12-18/a>Jan KoprivaA slightly optimistic tale of how patching went for CVE-2019-19781
2020-10-28/a>Jan KoprivaSMBGhost - the critical vulnerability many seem to have forgotten to patch
2020-08-08/a>Guy BruneauScanning Activity Include Netcat Listener
2020-05-01/a>Jim ClausingAttack traffic on TCP port 9673
2020-01-13/a>Didier StevensCitrix ADC Exploits: Overview of Observed Payloads
2020-01-11/a>Johannes UllrichCitrix ADC Exploits are Public and Heavily Used. Attempts to Install Backdoor
2020-01-09/a>Kevin ShorttWindows 7 - End of Life
2020-01-07/a>Johannes UllrichA Quick Update on Scanning for CVE-2019-19781 (Citrix ADC / Gateway Vulnerability)
2019-11-06/a>Brad DuncanMore malspam pushing Formbook
2019-08-01/a>Johannes UllrichWhat is Listening On Port 9527/TCP?
2019-07-26/a>Kevin ShorttDVRIP Port 34567 - Uptick
2019-06-19/a>Johannes UllrichCritical Actively Exploited WebLogic Flaw Patched CVE-2019-2729
2019-05-22/a>Johannes UllrichAn Update on the Microsoft Windows RDP "Bluekeep" Vulnerability (CVE-2019-0708) [now with pcaps]
2019-04-28/a>Johannes UllrichUpdate about Weblogic CVE-2019-2725 (Exploits Used in the Wild, Patch Status)
2019-02-02/a>Guy BruneauScanning for WebDAV PROPFIND Exploiting CVE-2017-7269
2019-01-14/a>Rob VandenBrinkStill Running Windows 7? Time to think about that upgrade project!
2018-08-20/a>Didier StevensOpenSSH user enumeration (CVE-2018-15473)
2017-08-26/a>Didier StevensMalware analysis: searching for dots
2017-07-01/a>Rick WannerUsing nmap to scan for MS17-010 (CVE-2017-0143 EternalBlue)
2017-05-13/a>Guy BruneauMicrosoft Released Guidance for WannaCrypt
2017-01-10/a>Johannes UllrichPort 37777 "MapTable" Requests
2016-10-22/a>Guy BruneauRequest for Packets TCP 4786 - CVE-2016-6385
2016-06-15/a>Richard PorterWarp Speed Ahead, L7 Open Source Packet Generator: Warp17
2016-02-13/a>Guy BruneauVMware VMSA-2015-0007.3 has been Re-released
2016-01-31/a>Guy BruneauOpenSSL 1.0.2 Advisory and Update
2015-11-21/a>Guy BruneauNmap 7.00 is out!
2015-08-12/a>Rob VandenBrinkWireshark 1.12.7 is released, multiple fixes. Find the release notes at: and the binaries at:
2014-09-25/a>Johannes UllrichUpdate on CVE-2014-6271: Vulnerability in bash (shellshock)
2014-09-24/a>Pedro BuenoAttention *NIX admins, time to patch!
2014-07-07/a>Johannes UllrichMulti Platform *Coin Miner Attacking Routers on Port 32764
2014-03-24/a>Johannes UllrichNew Microsoft Advisory: Unpatched Word Flaw used in Targeted Attacks
2014-02-27/a>Richard PorterDDoS and BCP 38
2014-02-07/a>Rob VandenBrinkNew ISO Standards on Vulnerability Handling and Disclosure
2013-12-05/a>Mark HofmanUpdated Standards Part 1 - ISO 27001
2013-11-14/a>Johannes UllrichiOS 7.0.4 released. Fixes issue with unauthorized in App purchases
2013-11-09/a>Guy BruneauIE Zero-Day Vulnerability Exploiting msvcrt.dll
2013-09-17/a>John BambenekMicrosoft Releases Out-of-Band Advisory for all Versions of Internet Explorer
2013-05-09/a>Johannes UllrichMicrosoft released a Fix-it for the Internet Explorer 8 Vulnerability
2013-04-16/a>Rob VandenBrinkJava 7 Update 21 is available - Watch for Behaviour Changes !
2013-03-25/a>Johannes UllrichIPv6 Focus Month: IPv6 over IPv4 Preference
2013-03-19/a>Johannes UllrichWindows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Being "pushed" today
2013-01-09/a>Richard PorterThe 80's called - They Want Their Mainframe Back!
2013-01-04/a>Guy Bruneau"FixIt" Patch for CVE-2012-4792 Bypassed
2012-10-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 17 - A Standard for Risk Management - ISO 27005
2012-10-08/a>Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 8 ISO 27001
2012-09-21/a>Guy BruneauIE Cumulative Updates MS12-063 - KB2744842
2012-09-21/a>Guy BruneauUpdate for Vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10 (2755801)
2012-09-17/a>Rob VandenBrinkIE Zero Day is "For Real"
2012-07-19/a>Mark BaggettDiagnosing Malware with Resource Monitor
2012-06-18/a>Guy BruneauCVE-2012-1875 exploit is now available
2012-05-25/a>Guy BruneauTechnical Analysis of Flash Player CVE-2012-0779
2012-05-05/a>Tony CarothersVulnerability Exploit for Snow Leopard
2012-04-27/a>Mark HofmanMicrosoft has added MSSQL 2008 R2 SP1 to the list of affected software for MS12-027 (Thanks Ryan). More info here -->
2011-12-21/a>Johannes UllrichNew Vulnerability in Windows 7 64 bit
2011-11-03/a>Richard PorterAn Apple, Inc. Sandbox to play in.
2011-06-01/a>Johannes UllrichEnabling Privacy Enhanced Addresses for IPv6
2011-02-23/a>Johannes UllrichWindows 7 Service Pack 1 out
2010-12-20/a>Guy BruneauPatch Issues with Outlook 2007
2010-09-17/a>Robert DanfordCirca 2007 Linux Kernel Vulnerability Resurfaces (Was CVE-2007-4573, Now CVE-2010-3301)
2010-08-22/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezSCADA: A big challenge for information security professionals
2010-07-20/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaeziTunes buffer overflow vulnerability
2010-07-20/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezTruecrypt 7.0 released
2010-03-10/a>Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft Security Advisory 981374 - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability for IE6 and IE7
2010-03-10/a>Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft re-release of KB973811 - attacks on Extended Protection for Authentication
2010-02-21/a>Tony CarothersTCP Port 12174 Request For Packets
2009-12-29/a>Rick WannerWhat's up with port 12174? Possible Symantec server compromise?
2009-11-22/a>Marcus SachsIE6 and IE7 0-Day Reported
2009-11-14/a>Adrien de BeaupreMicrosoft advisory for Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote SMB DoS Exploit released
2009-11-12/a>Rob VandenBrinkWindows 7 / Windows Server 2008 Remote SMB Exploit
2009-11-07/a>Marcus SachsMore Thoughts on Legacy Systems
2009-10-24/a>Marcus SachsWindows 7 - How is it doing?
2009-10-06/a>Adrien de BeaupreCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 6 ports 67&68 udp - bootp and dhcp
2009-10-05/a>Adrien de BeaupreCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 5 port 31337
2009-07-16/a>Guy BruneauChanges in Windows Security Center
2009-05-28/a>Stephen HallMicrosoft DirectShow vulnerability
2009-05-27/a>donald smithWebDAV write-up
2009-05-02/a>Rick WannerSignificant increase in port 2967 traffic
2009-02-13/a>Andre LudwigThird party information on conficker
2009-01-31/a>Swa FrantzenWindows 7 - not so secure ?
2009-01-12/a>William SaluskyDownadup / Conficker - MS08-067 exploit and Windows domain account lockout
2008-08-10/a>Stephen HallFake IE 7 update spam doing the rounds
2008-08-02/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckIssues affecting sites using Sitemeter [resolved]
2008-07-02/a>Jim ClausingThe scoop on the spike in UDP port 7 traffic
2006-11-20/a>Joel EslerMS06-070 Remote Exploit