Date Author Title
2025-02-12Yee Ching TokAn ontology for threats, cybercrime and digital forensic investigation on Smart City Infrastructure
2025-01-31Richard PorterTo Simulate or Replicate: Crafting Cyber Ranges
2024-02-18Guy BruneauMirai-Mirai On The Wall... [Guest Diary]
2023-11-22Guy BruneauCVE-2023-1389: A New Means to Expand Botnets
2023-10-29Guy BruneauSpam or Phishing? Looking for Credentials & Passwords
2023-10-18Jesse La GrewHiding in Hex
2023-09-28Didier StevensIPv4 Addresses in Little Endian Decimal Format
2023-05-28Guy BruneauWe Can no Longer Ignore the Cost of Cybersecurity
2023-03-26Didier StevensCyberChef Version 10 Released
2022-12-18Guy BruneauInfostealer Malware with Double Extension
2022-12-17Didier StevensCyberChef & Entropy
2022-12-11Didier StevensQuickie: CyberChef Sorting By String Length
2022-11-11Didier StevensUpdate: IPv4 Address Representations
2022-09-17Didier StevensVideo: Analyzing Obfuscated VBS with CyberChef
2022-03-26Guy BruneauIs buying Cyber Insurance a Must Now?
2022-02-24Xavier MertensUkraine & Russia Situation From a Domain Names Perspective
2021-09-25Didier StevensStrings Analysis: VBA & Excel4 Maldoc
2021-09-25Didier StevensVideo: Strings Analysis: VBA & Excel4 Maldoc
2021-07-18Didier StevensVideo: CyberChef BASE85 Decoding
2021-04-03Didier StevensVideo: YARA and CyberChef
2021-01-23Didier StevensCyberChef: Analyzing OOXML Files for URLs
2021-01-15Guy BruneauObfuscated DNS Queries
2021-01-10Didier StevensMaldoc Analysis With CyberChef
2020-08-03Johannes UllrichA Word of Caution: Helping Out People Being Stalked Online
2020-05-29Johannes UllrichThe Impact of Researchers on Our Data
2020-01-25Russell EubanksVisibility Gap of Your Security Tools
2019-10-27Guy BruneauUnusual Activity with Double Base64 Encoding
2019-08-25Guy BruneauAre there any Advantages of Buying Cyber Security Insurance?
2019-06-04Russ McReeISC snapshot: r-cyber with
2018-10-16Didier StevensCyberChef: BASE64/XOR Recipe
2018-06-23Russell EubanksCreative Hiring From Non-Traditional Places
2018-01-23John BambenekLife after GDPR: Implications for Cybersecurity
2017-05-28Guy BruneauCyberChef a Must Have Tool in your Tool bag!
2016-10-02Guy BruneauIs there an Infosec Cybersecurity Talent Shortage?
2016-01-05Guy BruneauWhat are you Concerned the Most in 2016?
2015-12-12Russell EubanksWhat Signs Are You Missing?
2015-12-05Guy BruneauCyber Threat Information Sharing Survey Looking for your Feedback -
2015-10-17Russell EubanksCIS Critical Security Controls - Version 6.0
2015-05-30Russell EubanksWeekend Learning - Spoofer Project
2014-08-23Guy BruneauNSS Labs Cyber Resilience Report
2013-10-01Adrien de BeaupreCSAM! Send us your logs!
2013-08-19Guy Bruneau Business Risks and Cyber Attacks
2013-04-28Russ McReeSANS's Alan Paller discusses the threat of cyberterrorism on CNN
2013-03-28John BambenekWhere Were You During the Great DDoS Cybergeddon of 2013?
2012-11-26John BambenekOnline Shopping for the Holidays? Tips, News and a Fair Warning
2012-10-30Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 30 - DSD 35 mitigating controls
2012-10-29Kevin ShorttCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 29 - Clear Desk: The Unacquainted Standard
2012-10-26Russ McReeCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 26 - Attackers use trusted domain to propagate Citadel Zeus variant
2012-10-25Richard PorterCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 25 - Pro Audio & Video Packets on the Wire
2012-10-24Russ McReeCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 24 - A Standard for Information Security Incident Management - ISO 27035
2012-10-23Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 23: Character Encoding Standards - ASCII and Successors
2012-10-21Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 22: Connectors
2012-10-19Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19: Standard log formats and CEE.
2012-10-18Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 18 - Vendor Standards: The vSphere Hardening Guide
2012-10-17Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 17 - A Standard for Risk Management - ISO 27005
2012-10-16Richard PorterCyberAwareness Month - Day 15, Standards Body Soup (pt2), Same Soup Different Cook.
2012-10-16Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 16: W3C and HTML
2012-10-14Pedro BuenoCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 14 - Poor Man's File Analysis System - Part 1
2012-10-13Guy BruneauNew Poll - Cyber Security Awareness Month Activities 2012 -
2012-10-12Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 12 PCI DSS
2012-10-11Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 11 - Vendor Agnostic Standards (Center for Internet Security)
2012-10-10Kevin ShorttCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 10 - Standard Sudo - Part Two
2012-10-09Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awreness Month - Day 9 - Request for Comment (RFC)
2012-10-08Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 8 ISO 27001
2012-10-07Tony CarothersCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 7 - Rollup Review of CSAM Week 1
2012-10-06Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 6 - NERC: The standard that enforces security on power SCADA
2012-10-05Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 5: Standards Body Soup, So many Flavors in the bowl.
2012-10-04Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 4: Crypto Standards
2012-10-03Kevin ShorttCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 3 - Standard Sudo - Part One
2012-10-02Russ McReeCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 2 - PCI Security Standard: Mobile Payment Acceptance Security Guidelines
2012-10-01Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month
2011-10-29Richard PorterThe Sub Critical Control? Evidence Collection
2011-10-28Russ McReeCritical Control 19: Data Recovery Capability
2011-10-28Daniel WesemannCritical Control 20: Security Skills Assessment and Training to fill Gaps
2011-10-27Mark BaggettCritical Control 18: Incident Response Capabilities
2011-10-26Rick WannerCritical Control 17:Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises
2011-10-17Rob VandenBrinkCritical Control 11: Account Monitoring and Control
2011-10-13Guy BruneauCritical Control 10: Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation
2011-10-12Kevin ShorttCritical Control 8 - Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges
2011-10-11Swa FrantzenCritical Control 7 - Application Software Security
2011-10-10Jim ClausingCritical Control 6 - Maintenance, Monitoring, and Analysis of Security Audit Logs
2011-10-07Mark HofmanCritical Control 5 - Boundary Defence
2011-10-04Johannes UllrichCritical Control 3 - Secure Configurations for Hardware and Software on Laptops, Workstations and Servers
2011-10-04Rob VandenBrinkCritical Control 2 - Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software
2011-10-03Mark HofmanCritical Control 1 - Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices
2011-10-03Mark BaggettWhat are the 20 Critical Controls?
2011-10-03Tom ListonSecurity 101 : Security Basics in 140 Characters Or Less
2011-10-02Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month Day 1/2 - Schedule
2011-10-02Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month Day 1/2 - Introduction to the controls
2011-09-21Mark HofmanOctober 2011 Cyber Security Awareness Month
2011-05-14Guy BruneauWebsense Study Claims Canada Next Hotbed for Cybercrime Web Hosting Activity
2010-10-31Marcus SachsCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 31 - Tying it all together
2010-10-30Guy BruneauCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 30 - Role of the network team
2010-10-29Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 29- Role of the office geek
2010-10-28Rick WannerCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 27 - Social Media use in the office
2010-10-28Tony CarothersCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 28 - Role of the employee
2010-10-26Pedro BuenoCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 26 - Sharing Office Files
2010-10-25Kevin ShorttCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 25 - Using Home Computers for Work
2010-10-24Swa FrantzenCyber Security Awarenes Month - Day 24 - Using work computers at home
2010-10-23Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 23 - The Importance of compliance
2010-10-22Daniel WesemannCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 22 - Security of removable media
2010-10-21Chris CarboniCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 21 - Impossible Requests from the Boss
2010-10-20Jim ClausingCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 20 - Securing Mobile Devices
2010-10-19Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19 - Remote Access Tools
2010-10-19Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19 - Remote User VPN Tunnels - to Split or not to Split?
2010-10-19Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19 - VPN Architectures – SSL or IPSec?
2010-10-19Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19 - Remote User VPN Access – Are things getting too easy, or too hard?
2010-10-19Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19 - VPN and Remote Access Tools
2010-10-18Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 18 - What you should tell your boss when there's a crisis
2010-10-17Stephen HallCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 17 - What a boss should and should not have access to
2010-10-15Marcus SachsCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 15 - What Teachers Need to Know About Their Students
2010-10-15Guy BruneauCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 16 - Securing a donated computer
2010-10-14Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 14 - Securing a public computer
2010-10-13Deborah HaleCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 13 - Online Bullying
2010-10-12Scott FendleyCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 12 - Protecting and Managing Your Digital Identity On Social Media Sites
2010-10-11Rick WannerCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 11 - Safe Browsing for Teens
2010-10-10Kevin ListonCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 10 - Safe browsing for pre-teens
2010-10-09Kevin ShorttCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 9 - Disposal of an Old Computer
2010-10-08Rick WannerCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 8 - Patch Management and System Updates
2010-10-06Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 7 - Remote Access and Monitoring Tools
2010-10-06Marcus SachsCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 6 - Computer Monitoring Tools
2010-10-05Rick WannerCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 5 - Sites you should stay away from
2010-10-04Daniel WesemannCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 4 - Managing EMail
2010-10-03Adrien de Beaupre Cyber Security Awareness Month - Day 3 - Recognizing phishing and online scams
2010-10-03Adrien de BeaupreCanada's Cyber Security Strategy released today
2010-10-02Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 2 - Securing the Family Network
2010-10-01Marcus SachsCyber Security Awareness Month - 2010
2010-10-01Marcus SachsCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 1 - Securing the Family PC
2010-09-25Rick WannerGuest Diary: Andrew Hunt - Visualizing the Hosting Patterns of Modern Cybercriminals
2010-08-08Marcus SachsThinking about Cyber Security Awareness Month in October
2010-03-23John BambenekThe Top 10 Riskiest US Cities for Cybercrime
2010-03-07Mari NicholsDHS issues Cybersecurity challenge
2010-01-12Johannes UllrichBaidu defaced - Domain Registrar Tampering
2009-10-29Kyle HaugsnessCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 29 - dns port 53
2009-10-28Johannes UllrichCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 28 - ntp (123/udp)
2009-10-25Lorna HutchesonCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 25 - Port 80 and 443
2009-10-22Adrien de BeaupreCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 22 port 502 TCP - Modbus
2009-10-21Pedro BuenoCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 21 - Port 135
2009-10-19Daniel WesemannCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 19 - ICMP
2009-10-18Mari NicholsComputer Security Awareness Month - Day 18 - Telnet an oldie but a goodie
2009-10-16Adrien de BeaupreCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 16 - Port 1521 - Oracle TNS Listener
2009-10-11Mark HofmanCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 12 Ports 161/162 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
2009-10-09Rob VandenBrinkCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 9 - Port 3389/tcp (RDP)
2009-10-06Adrien de BeaupreCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 6 ports 67&68 udp - bootp and dhcp
2009-10-05Adrien de BeaupreCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 5 port 31337
2009-10-02Stephen HallCyber Security Awareness Month - Day 2 - Port 0
2009-07-09John BambenekLatest Updates on Ongoing DDoS on Governmental/Commercial Websites in USA and S. Korea
2009-05-30John BambenekEmbedded Devices: An Avenue for Cyberterrorism?
2009-05-20Pedro BuenoCyber Warfare and Kylin thoughts
2009-03-08Marcus SachsBehind the Estonia Cyber Attacks
2008-09-21Mari NicholsYou still have time!