Date Author Title
2025-02-20Guy BruneauUsing ES|QL in Kibana to Queries DShield Honeypot Logs
2024-03-10Guy BruneauWhat happens when you accidentally leak your AWS API keys? [Guest Diary]
2024-02-03Guy BruneauDShield Sensor Log Collection with Elasticsearch
2023-07-23Guy BruneauInstall & Configure Filebeat on Raspberry Pi ARM64 to Parse DShield Sensor Logs
2023-04-27Johannes Research Journal: Volume 3
2023-03-16Xavier MertensSimple Shellcode Dissection
2023-01-21Guy BruneauDShield Sensor JSON Log to Elasticsearch
2021-09-11Guy BruneauShipping to Elasticsearch Microsoft DNS Logs
2021-09-09Johannes UllrichUpdates to Our Datafeeds/API
2021-05-08Guy BruneauWho is Probing the Internet for Research Purposes?
2021-02-13Guy BruneauUsing Logstash to Parse IPtables Firewall Logs
2020-12-19Guy BruneauSecure Communication using TLS in Elasticsearch
2020-05-29Johannes UllrichThe Impact of Researchers on Our Data
2019-11-29Russ McReeISC Snapshot: Search with SauronEye
2018-11-30Remco VerhoefCoinMiners searching for hosts
2018-11-14Brad DuncanDay in the life of a researcher: Finding a wave of Trickbot malspam
2017-05-18Xavier MertensMy Little CVE Bot
2015-11-22Guy BruneauOpenDNS Research Used to Predict Threat
2015-11-04Johannes UllrichInternet Wide Scanners Wanted
2015-08-16Guy BruneauAre you a "Hunter"?
2015-07-21Didier StevensSearching Through the VirusTotal Database
2010-02-15Johannes UllrichVarious Olympics Related Dangerous Google Searches
2010-01-08Rob VandenBrinkMicrosoft OfficeOnline, Searching for Trust and Malware