Date Author Title
2025-01-21Johannes UllrichGeolocation and Starlink
2024-10-03Guy BruneauKickstart Your DShield Honeypot [Guest Diary]
2024-03-03Guy BruneauCapturing DShield Packets with a LAN Tap [Guest Diary]
2023-11-25Didier StevensOVA Files
2023-01-05Brad DuncanMore Brazil malspam pushing Astaroth (Guildma) in January 2023
2022-12-03Guy BruneauLinux LOLBins Applications Available in Windows
2022-08-19Brad DuncanBrazil malspam pushes Astaroth (Guildma) malware
2022-02-16Brad DuncanAstaroth (Guildma) infection
2020-02-15Didier Stevensbsdtar on Windows 10
2019-04-13Johannes UllrichConfiguring MTA-STS and TLS Reporting For Your Domain
2019-01-06Didier StevensMalicious .tar Attachments
2018-11-05Johannes UllrichStruts 2.3 Vulnerable to Two Year old File Upload Flaw
2017-12-03Xavier MertensStartSSL: Termination of Services is Now Scheduled
2017-03-01Bojan ZdrnjaSSL/TLS on port 389. Say what?
2014-01-10Basil Alawi S.TaherWindows Autorun-3
2011-09-20Swa FrantzenDiginotar declared bankrupt
2011-09-19Guy BruneauMS Security Advisory Update - Fraudulent DigiNotar Certificates
2011-09-15Swa FrantzenDigiNotar looses their accreditation for qualified certificates
2011-09-13Swa FrantzenMore DigiNotar intermediate certificates blocklisted at Microsoft
2011-09-07Lenny ZeltserGlobalSign Temporarily Stops Issuing Certificates to Investigate a Potential Breach
2011-09-06Swa FrantzenDigiNotar audit - intermediate report available
2011-09-06Johannes UllrichMicrosoft Releases Diginotar Related Patch and Advisory
2011-09-01Swa FrantzenDigiNotar breach - the story so far
2011-08-31Johannes UllrichFirefox/Thunderbird 6.0.1 released to blocklist bad DigiNotar SSL certificates
2010-12-23Mark HofmanWhite house greeting cards
2009-06-04Raul SilesTargeted e-mail attacks asking to verify wire transfer details
2009-02-25Swa FrantzenTargeted link diversion attempts
2009-01-18Maarten Van HorenbeeckTargeted social engineering
2008-09-22Maarten Van HorenbeeckData exfiltration and the use of anonymity providers
2008-07-09Johannes UllrichUnpatched Word Vulnerability
2008-05-26Marcus SachsPredictable Response
2008-04-24Maarten Van HorenbeeckTargeted attacks using malicious PDF files
2008-03-27Maarten Van HorenbeeckGuarding the guardians: a story of PGP key ring theft