Date Author Title


2015-03-07Guy BruneauShould it be Mandatory to have an Independent Security Audit after a Breach?


2025-01-24/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] How Access Brokers Maintain Persistence
2024-04-22/a>Jan KoprivaIt appears that the number of industrial devices accessible from the internet has risen by 30 thousand over the past three years
2023-08-20/a>Guy BruneauSystemBC Malware Activity
2023-01-23/a>Xavier MertensWho's Resolving This Domain?
2021-05-14/a>Xavier Mertens"Open" Access to Industrial Systems Interface is Also Far From Zero
2021-05-12/a>Jan KoprivaNumber of industrial control systems on the internet is lower then in 2020...but still far from zero
2021-05-08/a>Guy BruneauWho is Probing the Internet for Research Purposes?
2021-02-03/a>Brad DuncanExcel spreadsheets push SystemBC malware
2020-08-25/a>Xavier MertensKeep An Eye on LOLBins
2019-12-12/a>Xavier MertensCode & Data Reuse in the Malware Ecosystem
2017-09-11/a>Russ McReeWindows Auditing with WINspect
2017-06-14/a>Xavier MertensSystemd Could Fallback to Google DNS?
2016-01-31/a>Guy BruneauWindows 10 and System Protection for DATA Default is OFF
2015-03-11/a>Rob VandenBrinkApple iTunes Store is seeing an extended outage (11 Mar) - watch for status changes. (12 Mar) - service restored, all green!
2015-03-07/a>Guy BruneauShould it be Mandatory to have an Independent Security Audit after a Breach?
2010-08-09/a>Jim ClausingFree/inexpensive tools for monitoring systems/networks
2010-07-18/a>Manuel Humberto Santander PelaezSAGAN: An open-source event correlation system - Part 1: Installation
2009-03-20/a>donald smithStealthier then a MBR rootkit, more powerful then ring 0 control, it’s the soon to be developed SMM root kit.


2021-11-14/a>Didier StevensExternal Email System FBI Compromised: Sending Out Fake Warnings
2020-09-17/a>Xavier MertensSuspicious Endpoint Containment with OSSEC
2019-07-18/a>Xavier MertensMalicious PHP Script Back on Stage?
2018-06-22/a>Lorna HutchesonXPS Attachment Used for Phishing
2016-08-29/a>Russ McReeRecommended Reading: Intrusion Detection Using Indicators of Compromise Based on Best Practices and Windows Event Logs
2015-03-07/a>Guy BruneauShould it be Mandatory to have an Independent Security Audit after a Breach?
2014-07-19/a>Russ McReeKeeping the RATs out: the trap is sprung - Part 3
2014-07-18/a>Russ McReeKeeping the RATs out: **it happens - Part 2
2014-07-16/a>Russ McReeKeeping the RATs out: an exercise in building IOCs - Part 1
2014-03-22/a>Guy BruneauHow the Compromise of a User Account Lead to a Spam Incident
2011-09-26/a>Jason compromised spreading malware
2011-06-19/a>Guy BruneauSega Pass Compromised - 1.29 Million Customers Data Leaked
2011-04-18/a>John Security Breach
2011-04-02/a>Rick WannerRSA/EMC: Anatomy of a compromise
2011-02-21/a>Adrien de BeaupreWinamp forums compromised
2010-12-13/a>Deborah HaleGawker Media Breach of Security
2010-01-26/a>Jason Lame107 CMS system website compromised
2009-10-05/a>Adrien de BeaupreTime to change your hotmail/gmail/yahoo password
2009-08-28/a>Adrien de compromised
2009-07-29/a>Bojan ZdrnjaIncreasing number of attacks on security sites
2008-11-16/a>Maarten Van HorenbeeckDetection of Trojan control channels
2008-08-25/a>John BambenekThoughts on the Best Western Compromise