Date Author Title
2025-02-15Xavier MertensThe Danger of IP Volatility
2024-03-14Jan KoprivaIncrease in the number of phishing messages pointing to IPFS and to R2 buckets
2023-11-27Johannes UllrichScans for ownCloud Vulnerability (CVE-2023-49103)
2023-01-12Russ McReeProwler v3: AWS & Azure security assessments
2022-07-22Yee Ching TokAn Analysis of a Discerning Phishing Website
2022-04-11Johannes UllrichSpring: It isn't just about Spring4Shell. Spring Cloud Function Vulnerabilities are being probed too.
2022-03-30Johannes UllrichJava Springtime Confusion: What Vulnerability are We Talking About
2021-11-10Xavier MertensShadow IT Makes People More Vulnerable to Phishing
2021-05-07Daniel WesemannExposed Azure Storage Containers
2021-01-29Xavier MertensSensitive Data Shared with Cloud Services
2020-11-18Xavier MertensWhen Security Controls Lead to Security Issues
2020-07-28Johannes UllrichAll I want this Tuesday: More Data
2020-05-05Russ McReeCloud Security Features Don't Replace the Need for Personnel Security Capabilities
2020-03-11Xavier MertensAgent Tesla Delivered via Fake Canon EOS Notification on Free OwnCloud Account
2020-03-05Xavier MertensWill You Put Your Password in a Survey?
2019-06-24Johannes UllrichExtensive BGP Issues Affecting Cloudflare and possibly others
2018-10-08Guy BruneauApple Security Updates
2018-03-03Xavier MertensReminder: Beware of the "Cloud"
2017-12-01Xavier MertensPhishing Kit (Ab)Using Cloud Services
2017-02-24Rick WannerCloudflare data leak...what does it mean to me?
2015-08-19Bojan ZdrnjaOutsourcing critical infrastructure (such as DNS)
2014-07-15Daniel WesemannAOC Cloud
2014-07-09Daniel WesemannWho inherits your IP address?
2014-05-07Johannes UllrichDe-Clouding your Life: Things that should not go into the cloud.
2014-04-21Daniel WesemannAllow us to leave!
2013-03-28John BambenekWhere Were You During the Great DDoS Cybergeddon of 2013?
2013-03-23Guy BruneauApple ID Two-step Verification Now Available in some Countries
2013-01-09Rob VandenBrinkHotmail seeing some temporary access issues
2011-06-12Mark HofmanCloud thoughts
2010-02-22Rob VandenBrinkNot Every Cloud has a Silver Lining
2010-02-17Rob VandenBrinkDefining Clouds - " A Cloud by any Other Name Would be a Lot Less Confusing"
2009-11-29Patrick Nolan A Cloudy Weekend