Date Author Title


2019-11-20Brad DuncanHancitor infection with Pony, Evil Pony, Ursnif, and Cobalt Strike
2019-02-06Brad DuncanHancitor malspam and infection traffic from Tuesday 2019-02-05


2025-01-17/a>Guy BruneauLeveraging Honeypot Data for Offensive Security Operations [Guest Diary]
2021-01-21/a>Xavier MertensPowershell Dropping a REvil Ransomware
2019-11-20/a>Brad DuncanHancitor infection with Pony, Evil Pony, Ursnif, and Cobalt Strike
2019-02-06/a>Brad DuncanHancitor malspam and infection traffic from Tuesday 2019-02-05


2020-01-16/a>Jan KoprivaPicks of 2019 malware - the large, the small and the one full of null bytes
2019-11-20/a>Brad DuncanHancitor infection with Pony, Evil Pony, Ursnif, and Cobalt Strike
2019-02-06/a>Brad DuncanHancitor malspam and infection traffic from Tuesday 2019-02-05
2017-02-10/a>Brad DuncanHancitor/Pony malspam