Handler on Duty: Jan Kopriva
Threat Level: green
Date | Author | Title |
2020-02-16 | Guy Bruneau | SOAR or not to SOAR? |
2017-09-11 | Russ McRee | Windows Auditing with WINspect |
2016-11-25 | Xavier Mertens | Free Software Quick Security Checklist |
2016-05-18 | Russ McRee | Resources: Windows Auditing & Monitoring, Linux 2FA |
2016-02-26 | Xavier Mertens | Quick Audit of *NIX Systems |
2015-03-07 | Guy Bruneau | Should it be Mandatory to have an Independent Security Audit after a Breach? |
2014-09-27 | Guy Bruneau | What has Bash and Heartbleed Taught Us? |
2013-08-21 | Rob VandenBrink | Fibre Channel Reconnaissance - Reloaded |
2013-02-14 | Bojan Zdrnja | Auditd is your friend |
2012-09-05 | Rob VandenBrink | Auditing a Network for VOIP Call Quality Metrics |
2010-04-06 | Daniel Wesemann | Application Logs |
2009-08-19 | Daniel Wesemann | Checking your protection |
2009-08-16 | Mari Nichols | Surviving a third party onsite audit |
2009-05-31 | Tony Carothers | L0phtcrack is Back! |
2008-03-30 | Mark Hofman | Mail Anyone? |