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SANS Stormcast Tuesday Mar 11th: Shellcode as UUIDs; Moxe Switch Vuln Updates; Opentext Vuln; Livewire Volt Vuln;

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Shellcode as UUIDs; Moxe Switch Vuln Updates; Opentext Vuln; Livewire Volt Vuln;

Shellcode Encoded in UUIDs
Attackers are using UUIDs to encode Shellcode. The 128 Bit (or 16 Bytes) encoded in each UUID are converted to shell code to implement a cobalt strike beacon

Moxa CVE-2024-12297 Expanded to PT Switches
Moxa in January first releast an update to address a fronted authorizaation logic disclosure vulnerability. It now updated the advisory and included the PT series switches as vulenrable.

Opentext Insufficently Protected Credentials

Livewire Volt API vulnerability

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