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SANS Stormcast Thursday Mar 20th: Cisco Smart Licensing Attacks; Vulnerable Drivers again; Synology Advisories Updated

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Cisco Smart Licensing Attacks; Vulnerable Drivers again; Synology Advisories Updated

Exploit Attempts for Cisco Smart Licensing Utility CVE-2024-20439 CVE-2024-20440
Attackers added last September's Cisco Smart Licensing Utility vulnerability to their toolset. These attacks orginate most likely from botnets and the same attackers are scanning for a wide range of additional vulnerabilities. The vulnerability is a static credential issue and trivial to exploit after the credentials were published last fall.

Legacy Driver Exploitation Through Bypassing Certificate Verification
Ahnlab documented a new type of "bring your own vulnerable driver" vulnerability. In this case, an old driver used by an anit-malware and anti-rootkit system can be used to shut down arbitrary processeses, including security related processeses.

Synology Vulnerability Updates
Synology updates some security advisories it release last year adding addition details and vulnerable systems.

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