Podcast Detail

SANS Stormcast Thursday Feb 27th: High Exfil Ports; Malicious VS Code Theme; Developer Workstation Safety; NAKIVO PoC; OpenH264 and rsync vuln;

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High Exfil Ports; Malicious VS Code Theme; Developer Workstation Safety; NAKIVO PoC; OpenH264 and rsync vuln;

Attacker of of Ephemeral Ports
Attackers often use ephermeral ports to reach out to download additional resources or exfiltrate data. This can be used, with care, to detect possible compromises.

Compromised Visal Studio Code Extension downloaded by Millions
Amit Assaraf identified a likely compromised Visual Studio Code theme that was installed by millions of potential victims. Amit did not disclose the exact malicious behaviour, but is asking for victims to contact them for details.

ByBit Theft Due to Compromised Developer Workstation
ByBit and Safe{Wallet} disclosed that the record breaking ethereum theft was due to a compromised Safe{Wallet} developer workstation. A replaced JavaScript file targeted ByBit and altered a transaction signed by ByBit.

PoC for NAKIVO Backup Replication Vulnerability
This vulnerability allows the compromise of NAKIVO backup systems. The vulnerability was patched silently in November, and never disclosed by NAKIVO. Instead, WatchTowr now disloses details including a proof of concept exploit.

OpenH264 Vulnerability

rsync vulnerability exploited

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