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SANS ISC Stormcast, Jan 28th 2025: Z-Shy Phishing; Apple Patches 0-Day; Fortinet Exploit Details; Github and Apache Solr Patches

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SANS ISC Stormcast, Jan 28th 2025: Z-Shy Phishing; Apple Patches 0-Day; Fortinet Exploit Details; Github and Apache Solr Patches

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This episode shows how attackers are bypassing phishing filter by abusing the "shy" softhyphen HTML entitiy. We got an update from Apple fixing a 0-day vulnerability in addition to a number of other issues. watchTowr show how to exploit an interesting FortiOS vulnerability and we have patches for Github Desktop and Apache Solr

An unusal shy z-wasp phish
How the soft hyphen "shy" HTML entity can be abused to bypass e-mail filters

Apple Patches
Apple released patches for all of its operating systems, fixing a 0-day vulnerability among many others issues

Get Fortirekt I am the Super_admin now
Details about a recent FortiOS Vulnerability

GitHub Desktop Vulnerability

Apache Solr Vulnerability