Podcast Detail

ISC StormCast for Monday, August 18th 2014

If you are not able to play the podcast using the player below: Use this direct link to the audio file: https://chrt.fm/track/2748D7/https://traffic.libsyn.com/securitypodcast/4109.mp3

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SANS Daily Network Security Podcast (Stormcast) for Monday, August 18th 2014

My Next Class

… more classes

Interested in Internet Storm Center stickers? Check here if there are still some available for today.

Beware of the Patch - UDP behind NAT may not be firewalled - yet another PHP cgi exploit - talk quiet, your smart phone is vibrating

MSFT MS14-045 Patch Causes Blue Screen of Death

The dangers of UDP services behind NAT

PHP CGI exploit with interesting reverse shell

Smart Phone Gyroscope Sensitive Enough to Detect Speech

Internet Wide Scan Finds Many Exposed VNC Servers