Handler on Duty: Didier Stevens
Threat Level: green
Richard Porter Diaries
- To Simulate or Replicate: Crafting Cyber Ranges
- A Case for Lockdown and Isolation (and not the Covid kind)
- Microsoft April 2021 Patch Tuesday
- Building a .freq file with Public Domain Data Sources
- What is "THAT" Address Doing on my Network
- MSFT June 2019 Patch Tuesday
- Microsoft December 2018 Patch Tuesday
- OctoPrint 3D Web Interfaces: EXPOSED, Port 5000 default
- Back to Basics: Backups and Data Recovery "The Home Office Edition"
- Macro-less Code Execution in MS Word
- October 2017 Security Updates
- Back to Basics: Writing Change Requests in Natural Language
- Wait What? We don?t have to change passwords every 90 days?
- Do you have Intel AMT? Then you have a problem today! Intel Active Management Technology INTEL-SA-00075
- What is really being proxied?
- December 2016 Patch Tuesday Brief and Updates
- Guest Diary, Etay Nir: Flipping the Economy of a Hacker
- ASN.1 Anyone? CVE-2016-5080
- Warp Speed Ahead, L7 Open Source Packet Generator: Warp17
- Known “Good” DNS, An Observation
- Application Aware and Critical Control 2
- Always Check Your References (Cheat Sheets to the Rescue)
- When Prevention Fails, Incident Response Begins
- Subscribing to the DShield Top 20 on a Palo Alto Networks Firewall
- Someone is using this? PoS: Compressor
- Why We Have Moved to InfoCon:Yellow
- OCLHashCat 1.30 Released
- Physical Access, Point of Sale, Vegas
- A welcomed response, PF Chang's
- p0f, Got Packets?
- Highlights from Cisco Live 2014 - The Internet of Everything
- April 2014 Microsoft Patches
- Word Press Shenanigans? Anyone seeing strange activity today?
- DDoS and BCP 38
- Reports of higher than normal SSH Attacks
- BPF, PCAP, Binary, hex, why they matter?
- Greenbone and OpenVAS Scanner
- Reported Spike in tcp/5901 and tcp/5900
- Adobe Breach Notification, Notifications?
- Websense Appliance at 100% CPU
- Why do we Click?
- When Hotel Alarms Sound
- BIND 9 Update fixing CVE-2013-3919
- Apple iTunes Services Outage
- IPv6 Focus Month: Traffic Testing, Firewalls, ACLs, pt 1
- Uptick in MSSQL Activity
- Getting Involved with the Local Community
- Using Metasploit for Patch Sanity Checks
- January 2013 Microsoft Out of Cycle Patch
- The 80's called - They Want Their Mainframe Back!
- Microsoft January 2013 Black Tuesday Update - Overview
- A picture worth a 1000 barcodes?
- Yahoo Web Interface Report: Compose and Send
- Santa's Gift... The Twelve Days of Cyber Christmas
- Reports of Strange TCP Port 443 Behavior
- Cyber Security Awareness Month - Day 25 - Pro Audio & Video Packets on the Wire
- CyberAwareness Month - Day 15, Standards Body Soup (pt2), Same Soup Different Cook.
- Reports of a Distributed Injection Scan
- Cyber Security Awareness Month - Day 5: Standards Body Soup, So many Flavors in the bowl.
- Report of spike in DNS Queries gd21.net
- Yesterday (not as on the ball as Rob) at SANSFire
- Define Irony: A medical device with a Virus?
- DNS Ghost Domains, How I loath you so!
- Oracle Quarterly Released, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/cpujan2012-366304.html
- ASP.Net Vulnerability
- An Apple, Inc. Sandbox to play in.
- The Sub Critical Control? Evidence Collection
- All Along the ARP Tower!
- Apple Lion talking on TCP 5223
- SMS Phishing at the SANSFire 2011 Handler Dinner
- When do you stop owning Technology?
- One Browser to Rule them All?
- Chrome Version 12.0.742.91 Released
- Unpatched Exploit: Skype for MAC
- Updated Exploit Index for Microsoft
- Microsoft Sysinterals Update
- Extreme Disclosure? Not yet but a great trend!
- Anonymous Damage Control Anybody?
- Crime is still Crime! Pt 2
- The Modern Dark Ages?
- Crime is still Crime!
- Yet Another Data Broker? AOL Lifestream.
- Has Big Brother gone Global?
- How Many Loyalty Cards do you Carry?