ISC Feature of the Week: Security Dashboard

Published: 2012-02-07. Last Updated: 2012-02-07 21:56:29 UTC
by Adam Swanger (Version: 1)
1 comment(s)

The ISC Security Dashboard can be found at or and is an ideal tool for viewing summary DShield report data, ISC site content and related security information all in one place. Some places to use the page could be simply an open browser tab, an embedded web page, a control center monitor and more! Let us know where you use the dashboard in the comments section below.

The first section on the page contains the current UTC date/time and Refresh options. You can click to Refresh immediately or select to let the page auto-refresh every 5, 10, 20, 30 or 60 minutes. Additionally, when you select an interval, the reload will display a link you can bookmark to easily return to that timed refresh rate.

Row 1:
Column 1: World Map Country Report from
Column 2: Latest Diaries from and the ISC Search box that goes to
Column 3: Top 10 Source IPs from

Row 2:
DShield live banner, showing Top attacked and port attacked, that links to

Row 3:
Column 1: Top 10 Ports from
Column 2: Latest StormCast from and ISC/DShield Google Groups link/box for subscribing to
Column 3: Top 10 Rising Ports Trends graph from (NOTE: This graphic has location-sensitive click-able hot spots. Try it out!)

Row 4: Select Security News feeds

Row 5:
Column 1: Latest sans_isc tweets from
Column 2: Select SANS Reading Room Papers from
Column 3: Twitter list of tweets from ISC Handlers

Planned future improvements include html5 update which will allow blocks to be re-ordered and block location preferences saved to your ISC profile.

Let us know in the section below where you use, or are planning to use, the dashboard or if there's content you think would be a valuable addition to this page or send us any questions or comments in the contact form

Adam Swanger, Web Developer (GWEB)
Internet Storm Center (

Keywords: ISC feature
1 comment(s)


This is a very effective addition in ISC features.. I admire it.:)

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