ISC Feature of the Week: Handler Diaries

Published: 2012-02-22. Last Updated: 2012-02-22 21:48:50 UTC
by Adam Swanger (Version: 1)
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Internet Storm Center features daily handler diaries with summarizing and analyzing new threats to networks and internet security events. Diaries range from 0day vulnerability announcements to the latest software update releases. If it's security related, we'll probably put up a diary about it!

The ISC homepage always displays the last 24 hours of diaries. The top and bottom of every diary, wherever it is listed, contains a previous/next navigation link that will iterate through all the diaries in order. You can click the title to view the full diary page.

What's in a Diary?

A Diary title is always an active link so you can right-click and copy to send to a friend or co-worker you think would be interested in the information. Alternatively, there is a "Share" menu to the right of the title if you want to publicly share on any number of social networking sites!!

Under the title you will see the original published date and the last updated date if any changes have been logged to the diary. Below that you will see the name of the handler that authored the diary and version number. The "Rate this diary" is currently disabled but should be back soon.

The number of comments displays how many comments have been added and is a link that will take you straight to the comments section below the diary. You can leave a comment if you are logged to your ISC/DShield account. Not logged in? No worries, just click the link, login and you should be brought right back to leave your comment. The Alias will default to what you have set in Your Information but you can change it to whatever you want. Every comment is vetted by the handlers and inappropriate or blatant ads are removed.

The diary content will vary. It can contain anything from just a few lines of text, sometimes with web links, to a full tutorial with illustrated graphics. A handler will have their own custom signature at the end of every diary posted. If an announcement is short and doesn't require a lot of detail, a handler may post a "oneliner" which is highlighted with a different background/border and generally just one sentence.

A Keywords list follows the diary content. This is a individually linked list that will take you to a page displaying a table of all the diaries that contain that same keyword, along with the date published and author.

How can I find past dairies?

 The easiest way to find past diaries is to search for keywords as explained here ALL the diaries can be listed by date on the Diary Archives page This is useful if you know the general timeframe or title text of a specific diary or just want to skim titles as an entire month is shown at once.

The site footer always contains some of the most recent Diary Archives in the center as well as a link to all the archives page. The homepage also lists some more of the most recent diaries as well as a link to the Diary Archives page There is also a link to the archives after every comment section on the diary page. 

How can I get these diaries you speak of?

Well, you can make your default browser page so you don't miss anything.

You can also receive full or title only diaries by subscribing in your favorite RSS reader. The links can be found here 


Let us know in the section below if you have suggestion or feeback about our diaries or send us any questions or comments in the contact form at


Adam Swanger, Web Developer (GWEB)

Internet Storm Center (

Keywords: ISC feature
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Diary Archives