Chat Logs Location; Microsoft Security Advisories

Published: 2005-05-14. Last Updated: 2005-05-15 00:10:53 UTC
by Koon Yaw Tan (Version: 1)
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Chat Logs Location

Regarding the location of the various IM logs requested , several readers have responded. Below summarize some of the log location gathered:

MSN Messenger 7.0: C:\Documents and Settings\<windows login>\My Documents\My Received Files\<IM handle>\History

Yahoo Messenger 6.0: C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Profiles\<IM handle>\Archive\Messages

AOL Messenger: C:\program files\users\default\log\AIM\Query

Miranda Messenger: C:\Program Files\Miranda IM\Logs

mIRC: C:\program files\mirc\logs (if enabled)

Trillian 3.1: C:\Program Files\Trillian\users\default\logs

Exodus 0.9.x: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Exodus-Logs\<user>_<server>.html

GAIM: On unix, they are in ~/.gaim/logs, on win32 they are in the $drive\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\.gaim\logs directory. In either case, new logs (new as of 0.73) are in subdirectories that correspond to protocol/yourscreenname/theirscreenname.

iChat: /Users/<logon name>/Documents/iChats

Microsoft Security Advisories

Microsoft recently has started a pilot program of issuing Microsoft Security Advisories, which aims to provide guidance and information about security-related software changes or software updates. This is not the same as the Security Bulletin which published on a monthly basis. The security advisories aim to provide timely information which may release within one business day when Microsoft is notified of an issue.

For those concern on the security of Microsoft products, this is another place you should not miss.

You can read the details at:

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