Another PDF Streams Example: Extracting JPEGs

    Published: 2024-05-17
    Last Updated: 2024-05-17 12:04:03 UTC
    by Didier Stevens (Version: 1)
    0 comment(s)

    In my diary entry "Analyzing PDF Streams" I showed how to use my tools and together with my PDF analysis tool to analyze PDF streams en masse.

    In this diary entry, I will show how can augment JSON data produced by with file-type information that an then be used by to filter out files you are interested in. As an example, I will extract all JPEGs from a PDF document.

    First, let's produce statistics with's option -a:

    This confirms that there are many "Indirect objects with a stream" in this document.

    Next, I let produce JSON output (--jsonoutput) with the content of the unfiltered streams, and I let consume this JSON output (--jsoninput) to try to identify the file type of each stream based on its content (since streams don't have a filename, there is no filename extension and we need to look at the content):

    If we use option -t to let just output the file type (and not the file/stream name), we can make statistics with my tool and see that the PDF document contains many JPEG files:

    Now we want to write all of these JPEG images to disk. We use again in JSON mode, but let it also output the same JSON data augmented with file-type information (--jsonoutput):

    Next, this JSON data is consumed by and filtered with regular expression (case sensitive) JPEG on the file type: -t JPEG.

    Finally, we write the JPEG images to disk with -W hashext:jpeg: this writes each JPEG stream to disk with a filename consisting of the sha256 of the file's content and extension .jpeg.

    By using the hash of the content as filename, there are no duplicate pictures:

    Should you want to reproduce the commands in these diary entries with the exact same PDF files I used, my old ebook on PDF analysis can be found here and the analysis on TLS backdoors done by a colleague can be found here.

    Didier Stevens
    Senior handler

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    ISC Stormcast For Friday, May 17th, 2024


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