Handler on Duty: Russ McRee
Threat Level: green
Date | Author | Title |
2022-09-22 | Xavier Mertens | RAT Delivered Through FODHelper |
2022-08-11 | Xavier Mertens | InfoStealer Script Based on Curl and NSudo |
2019-12-26 | Xavier Mertens | Bypassing UAC to Install a Cryptominer |
2019-02-07 | Bojan Zdrnja | UAC is not all that bad really |
2017-03-05 | Didier Stevens | Another example of maldoc string obfuscation, with extra bonus: UAC bypass |
2016-12-13 | Xavier Mertens | UAC Bypass in JScript Dropper |
2009-01-31 | Swa Frantzen | Windows 7 - not so secure ? |