Date Author Title
2024-12-24Xavier MertensMore SSH Fun!
2021-02-01Rob VandenBrinkTaking a Shot at Reverse Shell Attacks, CNC Phone Home and Data Exfil from Servers
2018-06-29Remco VerhoefCrypto community target of MacOS malware
2014-04-13Kevin ShorttReverse Heartbleed Testing
2012-09-14Lenny ZeltserAnalyzing Malicious RTF Files Using OfficeMalScanner's RTFScan
2012-06-04Lenny ZeltserDecoding Common XOR Obfuscation in Malicious Code
2010-11-18Chris CarboniStopping the ZeroAccess Rootkit
2010-02-13Lorna HutchesonNetwork Traffic Analysis in Reverse