Date Author Title


2025-03-26Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] Leveraging CNNs and Entropy-Based Feature Selection to Identify Potential Malware Artifacts of Interest
2024-07-10Jesse La GrewFinding Honeypot Data Clusters Using DBSCAN: Part 1
2021-12-28Russ McReeLotL Classifier tests for shells, exfil, and miners
2020-07-04Russ McReeHappy FouRth of July from the Internet Storm Center


2025-03-26/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] Leveraging CNNs and Entropy-Based Feature Selection to Identify Potential Malware Artifacts of Interest
2024-07-10/a>Jesse La GrewFinding Honeypot Data Clusters Using DBSCAN: Part 1
2021-12-28/a>Russ McReeLotL Classifier tests for shells, exfil, and miners
2021-02-25/a>Daniel WesemannForensicating Azure VMs
2020-07-04/a>Russ McReeHappy FouRth of July from the Internet Storm Center
2019-07-08/a>Didier StevensMachine Code? No!
2019-07-04/a>Didier StevensMachine Code?
2013-10-22/a>Richard PorterGreenbone and OpenVAS Scanner
2013-08-09/a>Kevin ShorttCopy Machines - Changing Scanned Content
2010-06-17/a>Deborah HaleDigital Copy Machines - Security Risk?


2025-03-26/a>Jesse La Grew[Guest Diary] Leveraging CNNs and Entropy-Based Feature Selection to Identify Potential Malware Artifacts of Interest
2024-07-10/a>Jesse La GrewFinding Honeypot Data Clusters Using DBSCAN: Part 1
2021-12-28/a>Russ McReeLotL Classifier tests for shells, exfil, and miners
2020-07-04/a>Russ McReeHappy FouRth of July from the Internet Storm Center