Handler on Duty: Jan Kopriva
Threat Level: green
Date | Author | Title |
2022-02-23 | Johannes Ullrich | The Rise and Fall of log4shell |
2022-01-17 | Johannes Ullrich | Log4Shell Attacks Getting "Smarter" |
2021-12-29 | Russ McRee | Log4j 2 Security Vulnerabilities Update Guide |
2021-12-23 | Johannes Ullrich | log4shell and cloud provider internal meta data services (IMDS) |
2021-12-23 | Johannes Ullrich | Defending Cloud IMDS Against log4shell (and more) |
2021-12-14 | Johannes Ullrich | Log4j: Getting ready for the long haul (CVE-2021-44228) |
2021-12-11 | Johannes Ullrich | Log4j / Log4Shell Followup: What we see and how to defend (and how to access our data) |
2021-12-10 | Bojan Zdrnja | RCE in log4j, Log4Shell, or how things can get bad quickly |