Date Author Title


2021-01-30Guy BruneauWireshark 3.2.11 is now available which contains Bug Fixes -
2016-02-27Guy BruneauWireshark Fixes Several Bugs and Vulnerabilities
2014-09-19Guy BruneauPHP Fixes Several Bugs in Version 5.4 and 5.5
2013-07-28Guy BruneauWireshark 1.8.9 and 1.10.1 Security Update
2012-03-27Guy BruneauWireshark 1.6.6 and 1.4.2 Released
2012-03-27Guy BruneauOpera 11.62 for Windows patch several bugs and vulnerabilities -


2025-02-06/a>Xavier MertensThe Unbreakable Multi-Layer Anti-Debugging System
2024-11-19/a>Xavier MertensDetecting the Presence of a Debugger in Linux
2024-06-06/a>Xavier MertensMalicious Python Script with a "Best Before" Date
2022-08-23/a>Xavier MertensWho's Looking at Your security.txt File?
2022-01-02/a>Guy BruneauExchange Server - Email Trapped in Transport Queues
2021-09-29/a>Yee Ching TokKeeping Track of Time: Network Time Protocol and a GPSD Bug
2021-08-20/a>Xavier MertensWaiting for the C2 to Show Up
2021-07-06/a>Xavier MertensPython DLL Injection Check
2021-05-21/a>Xavier MertensLocking Kernel32.dll As Anti-Debugging Technique
2021-01-30/a>Guy BruneauWireshark 3.2.11 is now available which contains Bug Fixes -
2020-09-24/a>Xavier MertensParty in Ibiza with PowerShell
2020-06-11/a>Xavier MertensAnti-Debugging JavaScript Techniques
2020-06-04/a>Xavier MertensAnti-Debugging Technique based on Memory Protection
2017-02-25/a>Guy BruneauUnpatched Microsoft Edge and IE Bug
2016-02-27/a>Guy BruneauWireshark Fixes Several Bugs and Vulnerabilities
2015-02-12/a>Johannes UllrichDid You Remove That Debug Code? Netatmo Weather Station Sending WPA Passphrase in the Clear
2014-09-19/a>Guy BruneauPHP Fixes Several Bugs in Version 5.4 and 5.5
2014-04-08/a>Guy BruneauOpenSSL CVE-2014-0160 Fixed
2013-07-28/a>Guy BruneauWireshark 1.8.9 and 1.10.1 Security Update
2013-06-22/a>Guy BruneauFacebook Reports a Potential Leak of User Data
2012-03-27/a>Guy BruneauWireshark 1.6.6 and 1.4.2 Released
2012-03-27/a>Guy BruneauOpera 11.62 for Windows patch several bugs and vulnerabilities -
2010-12-22/a>John BambenekIIS 7.5 0-Day DoS (processing FTP requests)
2010-04-10/a>Andre LudwigNew bug/exploit for javaws
2010-02-26/a>Rick WannerNew version of FireBug Firefox plug-in -
2009-12-28/a>Johannes Ullrich8 Basic Rules to Implement Secure File Uploads (inspired by IIS ; bug)
2009-10-26/a>Johannes UllrichToday: ISC Login bugfix day. If you have issues logging in using OpenID, please email a copy of your OpenID URL to jullrich\at\
2009-08-31/a>Pedro BuenoMicrosoft IIS 5/6 FTP 0Day released
2009-07-17/a>John BambenekCross-Platform, Cross-Browser DoS Vulnerability
2008-07-11/a>Jim ClausingAnd you thought the DNS issue was an old one...


2021-01-30/a>Guy BruneauWireshark 3.2.11 is now available which contains Bug Fixes -
2016-02-27/a>Guy BruneauWireshark Fixes Several Bugs and Vulnerabilities
2014-09-19/a>Guy BruneauPHP Fixes Several Bugs in Version 5.4 and 5.5
2013-07-28/a>Guy BruneauWireshark 1.8.9 and 1.10.1 Security Update
2012-03-27/a>Guy BruneauWireshark 1.6.6 and 1.4.2 Released
2012-03-27/a>Guy BruneauOpera 11.62 for Windows patch several bugs and vulnerabilities -
2010-06-05/a>Guy 3.2.1 Fixes Bugs and Vulnerabilities
2009-07-18/a>Patrick NolanChrome update contains Security fixes