Handler on Duty: Jim Clausing
Threat Level: green
These are a number of presentations and papers written by ISC handlers or written about the ISC and DShield. Note that not all of them are hosted on this site.
Webcasts / Podcasts
Monthly Webcasts: Archive
Last Webcast PDF: April 2010
ISC Podcasts: Browse and Subscribe
Flyers / Cheat Sheets
- IPv4 / tcpdump Flyer (June 2016)
- IPv6 Flyer
Reference Papers
SANSFIRE Presentations
- What Does It Take To Be A 1337 Cyber Analyst SANSFIRE 2012
- OWASP Top Ten Tools and Tactics - Russ McRee (Tuesday, July 10)
- Rob VandenBrink's ODB Presentation: view PDF presentation and download OBD scripts (Tuesday, July 10)
- Authentication Issues Between Entities During Protocol Message Exchange in SCADA Systems - Manuel Santander Pelaez (Thursday, July 12)
- FACEROUTE: Mapping and Harvesting Social Media Sites - Rob VandenBrink (Monday, July 18)
- Is IPv6 the Wolf in IPv4s Clothing? - Richard Porter (Tuesday, July 19)
- Cisco Malware: A new risk to consider in perimeter security designs - Manuel Humberto Santander Pelaez (Wednesday, July 20)
- Marten van Horenbeeck: Is Troy Burning. An overview of targeted trojan attacks.
- ISC Presentation, SANS London 2007
- Keynote: Networks under Fire, Johannes Ullrich
- Keynote: Network Early Warning Systems, Mike Poor (Opens in new window)
- 2nd Generation Honeyclients, Robert Danford
- Thwarting Virtual Machine Detection, Tom Liston & Ed Skoudis
- Malware Analysis: Lessons Learned, Pedro Bueno
- Malware Analysis: The Basics, Lorna Hutcheson
- Beyond the Perimeter: Architecture to the Rescue, Swa Frantzen.
- Sharing the Unverifiable: Predication Exchange, Jason Gordon (Opens in new window)
- OWASP Jacksonville Presentations (Honeypots)
- BSides Jacksonville 2018: What is wrong with DNS
- Nation State Level Honeypotting: Emulating Vulnerable Webapplications at Scale
- Microsoft Patch MS15-034: HTTP.sys (PowerPoint)
- BSides Orlando 2015: The Internet of Things: Who is in Control? (PowerPoint)
- GHOST glibc gethostbyname() Vulnerability CVE-2015-0235 [PDF] [PowerPoint] [YouTube]
- GHOST 2.0 glibc getaddrinfo() Vulnerability CVE-2015-0235 [PDF] [PowerPoint] [SANS Webcast]
- The Bot in the Machine. The Internet of Evil Things
- Security Impact of IPv6, Amsterdam 2013 - Dr. Johannes Ullrich
- Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh'My - Richard Porter
- JPL Top Threats presentation 2012
- SANS Monterrey 2012: IPv6 Intrusion Detection Challenges
- SANS Network Security 2011, DNSSEC: Securing DNS
- Top 7 Threats (Infragard Jacksonville, May 27th 2011)
- SANS 2011, IPv6 talk (and don't forget to check out our IPv6 Summit)
- IPv6: The friend you didn't knew you had.
- Software Security Street Fighting Style: SANS 2010
- Summary Report of Denial of Service Attack against isc.sans.org on Jan 4th 2009
- SANS Sydney 2009, "Software Security Street Fighting Style"
- CDI 2008, "Current Threats", Dec 15th 2008
- Jacksonville IT Council (Nov. 25th 2008)
- Jacksonville Linux Users Group (JAXLUG) Presentation on PHP Webapplication Security
- The 5 Most Common Mistakes Made When Developing a Web Application
- SANS Toronto: Distributed Web Application Honeypot
- DNS Poisoning Summary
- Microsoft October Patches for Managers (Power Point), (PDF)
- First Things First. An Introduction to Network Security
- Windows Vista: First Steps (a follow on to our guide "Windows XP: Surviving the First Day")
- Presentations for a California State Senate hearing about Phishing and Spyware
- 6 Simple Steps to Beat Phishing
- IRC Bot Password List
- The Internet Storm Center: A Collaborative IDS
- Two Weeks in August (SANS New England 2003)
- The Shrinking Patch Windows. Observations from the Internet Storm Center (August 2004, MIT Security Camp)
- MyDOOM B Analysis
- MS03-039, Briefing for Managers