Swine Flu (Mexican Flu) related domains
This is a first cut of a list of "Swine Flu" related domains. In Europe, this flu is usually refered to as "Mexican Flu". Right now none of the domains is spreading malware or running donation scams. One appears to seel questionable pharmaceuticals (symptoms-of-swine-flu.com). The rest are either just parked, or offer some kind of information and may try to make some money with Google ads. Lots of the "information" is very minimal/incomplete/hype, but this classification is beyond a quick scan of the content.
Please let us know if you come across anything of interest. (use our contact page)
The list comes from Bojan's passive DNS system. (he will talk about this at SANSFIRE in June... don't miss it ).
h1n1swineflu.com links to birdflu site (google ads) human-swine-influenza.com under construction humanswineflu.com same as h1n1swineflu.com pandemicswineflu.com same as h1n1swineflu.com swine-flu-info.co.nz info site (google ads) swine-flu-information.com info site (google ads) swine-flu-news.com info site (google ads) swine-flu-symptoms.com info site swine-flu-symptoms.info info site (link to google ads) swine-flu-vaccine.sdfgdfd.us junk search / link site swine-flu.info godaddy parked swine-flu.net godaddy parked swine-flu.org godaddy parked swine-influenza-news.org info site (google ads) swineflu-symptoms.com godaddy parked swineflu.biz same as h1n1swineflu.com swineflu.info same as h1n1swineflu.com swineflu.us same as h1n1swineflu.com swineflubase.com under construction (wordpress site) swineflublog.com info site (google ads) swinefludrugs.com same as h1n1swineflu.com swinefluforum.com swineflu.org, forum swineflumaps.com info site (google ads) swineflupost.com under construction swinefluprecaution.com godaddy parked swinefluprecautions.com godaddy parked swineflusymptoms.net directory index / under construction swineflusymptoms.us info site / onclose ads swineflusymtoms.com unrelated info / ebay ads / amazon ads swineflusyptoms.com godaddy parked swineflusyptoms.net godaddy parked swineflutv.com same as h1n1swineflu.com swinefluvaccine.info godaddy parked swinefluvaccines.com same as h1n1swineflu.com swinefluvirussymptoms.com godaddy parked swineinfluenzasymptoms.com junk site / parked symptoms-of-swine-flu.com pharma ad, tamiflu UK (legit?) symptoms-of-swine-flu.info info site (google ads) theswineflu.com parked/ads theswineflusymptoms.com info site (google ads)
Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D.
SANS Technology Institute Follow johullrich on twitter
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