Intel Network Card (82574L) Packet of Death
[Update] Intel released a statement about this issue. and Kristian updated his blog
An interesting blog post by Kristian Kielhofer describes how a specific SPI packet can "kill" an Intel Gigabit ethernet card [1]. If a card is exposed to this traffic, the system has to be physically power cycled. A reboot will not recover the system.
The network card crashed whenever the value 0x32 or 0x33 was found at offset 0x47f. Kristian first noticed this happening for specific SIP packets, but in the end, it turned out that any packet with 0x32 at 0x47f caused the crash. Intel traced the problem to an EEPROM used in this specific card (82574L). There are some links in the comment to the blog suggesting that others have run into this problem before. For example, the commend: "ping -p 32 -s 1110 x.x.x.x" can crash an affected card remotely.
[Update] A few asked why this doesn't happen just randomly every 128th packet: Once the card receives the value "0x34" in this position, it appears to be no longer vulnerable. There are also a number of earlier bug reports about this card that sound very similar, and appear to be related to ASPM, a PCI power safe feature. Kristian claims he eliminated this issue. if you try to reproduce this issue, power up the system and then issue the "ping" command shown above quickly after reboot in order to avoid the "inoculation" wiht 0x34. We would like to hear any reports of being able to reproduce (or not) this issue.
There are also some reports about similar issues in certain 3G USB modems.
Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D.
SANS Technology Institute
Application Security: Securing Web Apps, APIs, and Microservices | Orlando | Apr 13th - Apr 18th 2025 |
Nasty, but probably worse case is as a DoS attack tool, as a crafted request could trigger the bug.
His case was well, really obscure (a VoIP packet happened to trigger it), but only makes the story more interesting.
Dom De Vitto
Feb 6th 2013
1 decade ago
Feb 7th 2013
1 decade ago
Feb 7th 2013
1 decade ago
Feb 7th 2013
1 decade ago
One of my server rentals has this model of NIC onboard. I sure hope they're not vulnerable, or else my provider has a whole datacentre full of these...
Steven Chamberlain
Feb 7th 2013
1 decade ago
"... A power cycle is required to return the system to normal operation.
The original advisory is available at:
Impact: A remote user can cause the target controller to crash.
Solution: The vendor has issued a fix, available via customer support...
[Rots o' ruck finding that number.]
Feb 7th 2013
1 decade ago
I used the two pcaps ( pod-http-post.pcap & pod-icmp-ping.pcap ) from using the tcpdump-edit instructions provided. I also added "-l 30" to retry.
I have an Intel 82574L Gigabit CT adapter on an ASUS X79 board running CentOS 6.3, fully patched. The box says "Version E39199-008" "Date: 09/08/2012". I have been unable to duplicate the crash.
I "ifconfig up"ed the adapter (without an IP). "tcpdump -p -i eth3" shows the machine receiving the frames, but it doesn't stop working.
Mark Jx
Feb 7th 2013
1 decade ago
Feb 7th 2013
1 decade ago
Feb 7th 2013
1 decade ago
The symptoms sound very similar to an issue I have been having with an Intel 82567LM card over the passed 2 years. (In a Dell Optiplex 960)
It just randomly just quits talking on the network....and to fix it you can either reboot, or unplug the NIC cable for 10 seconds and then plug it back in. The problem seems to semi-randomly happen after the sleeping computer wakes up
While it is in this strange state, sometimes I can PING and sometimes I can't. If I can't ping, then if I IPCONFIG...the static IP Address no longer shows it is registered. IT shows
Very Strange!
Motherboard has been changed out 3-4 times (by Dell....who sends me the same motherboard and embedded NIC I'm assuming)
Network cable replaced
Cable run to the closet tested
Different network port used
Drivers/BIOS/chipset drivers updated
I also seem to be having sporadic problems with 82579LM cards that are in systems that were brought online last year. After the system wakes up for its nightly backup, the backup server can not contact the system. Doesn't happen all the time tho.... pretty random and sporadic....
Feb 8th 2013
1 decade ago