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Network Monitoring and Threat Detection In-DepthSingaporeNov 18th - Nov 23rd 2024

Exposed UPNP Devices

Published: 2013-01-30. Last Updated: 2013-01-30 12:42:08 UTC
by Johannes Ullrich (Version: 1)
4 comment(s)

Rapid7 conducted a widely quoted study, scanning the Internet on port 1900/udp to find devices that expose UPnP [1]. Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a protocol frequently supported by home gateways to automate firewall configurations. For example, an IP based security camera may use the protocol to instruct a firewall to open a port and redirect incoming traffic to it, allowing the user to monitor the camera from outside the own network. Online games use it in similar fashion to allow game servers to reach the host participating in the game. While UPnP itself is not exactly a "secure" protocol, in addition, implementations suffer from various flaws as the paper by Rapid 7 points out.

Rapid7 does offer a free Windows tool to scan your network. In addition, you could use nmap to find hosts supporting UPNP, but you will need a NSE script that sends an "M-SEARCH" request to trigger a response [2]. A UPnP listener will not respond to a typical "empty" nmap UDP scan.

Here is a sample nmap scan using this NSE script:

sudo nmap --script upnp-info.nse -p 1900 -sU

Nmap scan report for somehost.mynet (
Host is up (0.067s latency).
1900/udp open  upnp
| upnp-info: 
|     Server: Custom/1.0 UPnP/1.0 Proc/Ver
|     Location:
|       Webserver: LINUX/2.4 UPnP/1.0 BRCM400/1.0
|       Name: Broadcom ADSL Router
|       Manufacturer: Comtrend
|       Model Descr: (null)
|       Model Name: AR-5381u
|       Model Version: 1.0
|       Name: WANDevice.1
|       Manufacturer: Comtrend
|       Model Descr: (null)
|       Model Name: AR-5381u
|       Model Version: 1.0
|       Name: WanConnectionDevice.1
|       Manufacturer: Comtrend
|       Model Descr: (null)
|       Model Name: AR-5381u
|_      Model Version: 1.0

Or you could try to scan on port 5431/tcp if you don't want to install the NSE script, or don't have root permission:


nmap  -sV -p 5431

Starting Nmap 6.01 ( ) at 2013-01-30 07:37 EST
Nmap scan report for myhost.mynet (
Host is up (0.008s latency).
5431/tcp open  upnp    Belkin/Linksys wireless router UPnP (Linux 2.4; UPnP 1.0; BRCM400 1.0)
Service Info: OS: Linux; Device: router; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:kernel


The difficult part is that the most vulnerable devices are the once with UPnP exposed on the external interface. In many cases these are ISP supplied routers and the end user may not be able to turn off UPnP.


Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D.
SANS Technology Institute

4 comment(s)
My next class:
Network Monitoring and Threat Detection In-DepthSingaporeNov 18th - Nov 23rd 2024


The "shields-up" scanner at can be useful to scan from the outside. Your mileage may vary due to any ISP filters on the inbound.
Shields Up doesn't do any UDP scanning yet. He is currently modifying it to scan for upnp. Should be up in the next couple days.
It is amazing, how people forget.

Everything old is new again.
UPnP Router Security Check:


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