Cyber Security Awareness Month - We Need Your Ideas

Published: 2007-09-16. Last Updated: 2007-09-16 19:42:17 UTC
by Marcus Sachs (Version: 1)
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As many of you know, October is Cyber Security Awareness Month in the USA (and perhaps in other countries?)  We'd like to do a repeat of our popular "Tip of the Day" series we did last year but we need your help. 

With four full weeks (October 1st is on a Monday) and a half-week at the end, this year's plan is to have a common theme each week with a specific topic each day.  For example, we might decide that the first week is for a theme like traditional security measures, and subjects like firewalls, anti-virus software, intrusion detection, etc. become the daily topics  Then the second week might be something like wireless security, with daily themes covering encryption, limiting the range of APs, etc. 

What we need now are some ideas on the weekly themes.  We'll get to the daily topics later.  If you have suggestions please send them to us via the contact page.  Remember, right now we just need weekly themes, so pick five that would make good high level weekly areas and we'll ask for the daily topics later.  Next weekend we'll let everybody know what the top five themes are and will ask for topics.  Once we get the daily topics settled, we'll start asking for specific tips.  Each day we'll publish the tips we've received and give credit to the submitter if you want your name published.  Otherwise we'll let you stay anonymous.

Marc Sachs
Director, SANS Internet Storm Center

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