Finger.exe LOLBin
Guy's diary entry "Linux LOLBins Applications Available in Windows" reminded me of another Linux tool that is available on Windows: the ancient finger command.
Here is an example with weather info for the North Pole:
Communication takes place over TCP. Destination port is 79.
The finger.exe command sends the string before the @ sign to the host specified after the @ sign.
finger.exe is not proxy aware, and port 79 is hardcoded inside the finger.exe executable. Not as a number, but as a protocol name (finger) that is defined in the services list (%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\services);
Didier Stevens
Senior handler
Microsoft MVP
You were off by about 5839 km (3628 miles). Try "finger 'north_pole'" instead. :-)
And, for the USA at least, "finger [your_postal_code]" also seems to work. Kudos to the personnel behind this app.
Dshield Reporter 309
Jan 4th 2023
2 years ago