CAD: .DGN and .MVBA Files

Published: 2021-04-26. Last Updated: 2021-04-26 19:06:26 UTC
by Didier Stevens (Version: 1)
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Regularly I receive questions about MicroStation files, since I wrote a diary entry about AutoCAD drawings containing VBA code.

MicroStation is CAD software, and it can run VBA code.

I've never been given malicious MicroStation files, but recently I've been given a normal drawing (.dgn) and a script file (.mvba).

To be clear: these are not malware samples, the files were given to me so that I could take a look at the internal file format and report it.

Turns out that both files are "OLE files", and can thus be analyzed with my tool.

Here is the .DGN file:

It's an OLE file with storage (folder) Dgn-Md containing other storages and streams.

And the metadata identifies this as a MicroStation file (I'm using tail to filter out the thumbnail data):

It does not contain VBA code: AFAIK, .DGN files can not contain VBA code. Please post a comment if I'm wrong, or if you can share a sample .DGN file containing VBA code.

The VBA script file, with extension .MVBA, is also an OLE file with VBA code streams:

Here too, the M indicator alerts us to the presence of VBA code. It can be extracted with oledump:

Didier Stevens
Senior handler
Microsoft MVP

Keywords: cad dgn mvba
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