Update: mac-robber.py
Almost 4 years ago, I wrote a python version of mac-robber. I use it fairly regularly at $dayjob. This past week, one of my co-workers was using it, but realized that it hashes large files a little too slowly. He decided to use mac-robber.py to collect the MAC times and do the hashing separately so he could limit the hashes to to files under a certain size. That sounded reasonable, so I've added a switch (-s or --size). If hashing is turned on the new switch will limit the hashing to files under the given size.
To see it in action, see the next figure.
I hope others find this new feature useful. If anyone has more suggestions for new features, you can let me know via comments here, e-mail, or our contact form. The tool can be found at the same place as before:
Jim Clausing, GIAC GSE #26
jclausing --at-- isc [dot] sans (dot) edu
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