Tips on Responding to DDoS Incidents (Updated)

Published: 2008-12-01. Last Updated: 2008-12-02 14:20:44 UTC
by Lenny Zeltser (Version: 5)
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The incident handling cheat sheets in an earlier diary applied to many types of security incidents. Some situations, such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, benefit from specialized guidelines. After soliciting tips from our readers and fellow ISC handlers, I compiled the following cheat sheet to help organizations during a DDoS attack.

The cheat sheet captures advice for battling a network DDoS attack on your infrastructure. The link points to the HTML version of the cheat sheet. That page includes the printable 1-page PDF version, and the Word version of the file you can customize for your needs.

DDoS Incident Cheat Sheet Preview

What do you think? Any corrections or additions? Pointers to useful resources? Let us know.

Thanks for the insights to our readers and ISC handlers, including: Daniel Fairchild, Chris Lemieux, Peter McLaughlin, Jose Nazario, Donald Smith, and Jim Tuttle.

Additional feedback from our readers:

Adam Jarvela wrote: "From the datacenter perspective it's important to identify the specific destination of the attack... .  I'm a fan of the old method of starting at the core and following the traffic to the aggregate and eventually to the distributor.  From the distributor it's usually pretty easy to identify the destination of the attack..." "Recently, we had a very odd attack on ip protocol 255. Not the first time we've seen this, but by being able to identify the specific attack you can create an attack specific filter instead of blackholing the entire server/IP/subnet..."

Andrew wrote a shell script that, when ran on the DDoS'ed Linux web server "would terminate connections exceeding a set value (10 in this example) from the same source IP. Although not ideal, however does hopefully prevent the web server from falling over (exceeding sockets thresholds) whilst one is assessing the DDoS situation." Here's Andrew's script:


while true; do
sleep 60

UNIQ=`netstat -tpn | grep -i established | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d':' -f1 | uniq`

for IP in $UNIQ; do
WC=`netstat -tpn | grep $IP | wc -l`
if [ ${WC} -gt "10" ]; then
PID=`netstat -tpn | grep $IP | awk '{print $7}' | cut -d'/' -f1 | sort -n`
KILL=`echo $PID | cut -d' ' -f10-`
kill -s 9 $KILL
logger -sp daemon.notice -t Web_Server "Established threshhold exceeded for IP ${IP} and PID ${KILL}"


-- Lenny

Lenny Zeltser
Security Consulting - SAVVIS, Inc.

Lenny teaches a SANS course on analyzing malware.

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