Skoudis' Annual Xmas Hacking Challenge - The Nightmare Before Charlie Brown's Christmas

Published: 2010-12-23. Last Updated: 2010-12-23 01:14:10 UTC
by Mark Hofman (Version: 1)
2 comment(s)

Ed Skoudis presents his annual Christmas challenge, here are the details, enjoy!.

"Happy Holidays, challenge fans! Ed Skoudis here, with this year's holiday
hacking challenge.

Have you ever seen the classic video "A Charlie Brown
Christmas," and pondered why Charlie Brown is so upset at the start of the
video? Also, have you ever wondered why the rest of the Peanuts gang is so
focused on the materialism of the Christmas season? Well, this year's
hacking challenge answers these questions. In our tale, you'll discover that
something happened before the start of the Charlie Brown Christmas video
that put these characters into such a state. That something is what we like
to call...

The Nightmare Before Charlie Brown's Christmas

These challenges, which are an annual tradition here at,
are designed to help people develop their skills, show off their abilities,
and have some fun. During past holiday seasons, you got to tangle with the
Grinch, Rudolph, that Messy Marvin kid, Frosty, and even Santa himself. And
who can forget last year's Miracle on Thirty-Hack Street. Read this
challenge, answer the questions, and send your responses in by January 3,
2011. We'll choose three winners, each of whom will get an autographed copy
of my Counter Hack Reloaded book. One prize will go to the best technical
answer, another to the most creative answer that is technically correct, and
the final prize is based on a random draw from every person who submits an
answer. Even if you have no idea whatsoever for how to answer the questions,
send in your best shot to be entered in the random draw. And now, without
further adieu, the curtain rises on our story... 

Enjoy and happy holidays.

Mark H


2 comment(s)


Ed Skoudis Christmas challenges are awesome, and one of the best free learning tools, next to ISC October blog posts of course;)
Can't wait to drill into this year's VOIP fun!!
I love Ed Skoudis Christmas Challenges, and this year looks to be awesome, as usual. Time to drill into some VOIP fun!!
Thanks for keeping these going Mr. Skoudis =)

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