Security Resolutions 2008

Published: 2007-12-10. Last Updated: 2007-12-11 02:24:50 UTC
by Mari Nichols (Version: 4)
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As the end of 2007 looms closer, are you thinking about what you are going to accomplish next year?  For me, I never make personal New Year's resolutions, but we must be more disciplined when it comes to our professional life. 

What are your priorities for security next year?

  • Web Application Security
  • Virtualization
  • User Education and Awareness
  • Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Planning
  • Compliance Tools
  • Policy Updates

Tell us what you are planning to concentrate on next year.  Send us your comments here and we will keep updating all day.

Fair Winds, Mari Nichols

UPDATE 1:  Scott wrote in and added that Data Loss Prevention will be huge in 2008 and 2009.  Similarly, database monitoring is going to increase in demand. 

UPDATE 2:  One of our readers, Jill, has written in to tell us she will be concentrating on whole disk encryption next year. 

UPDATE 3:  Raul wrote in to remind us of his VOIP initiative next year.

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