Possible Widespread DNS Attack (info wanted)
Thanks for the help with this! Turns out this had a not so malicious resolution for now: The IP address is used for numerous "spelling error" domains aka "typo squatting". The company/person behind this ip address is redirecting a large number of domains to the IP address which then displays a "yellow pages" look alike called "yellow book". Nothing malicious as far as I can tell for now, but some may not like this practice.
Alex wrote in a short time ago seeing "www.citrix.com" resolving to This IP address has been associated with malware in the past. Further investigation showed that literally hundreds of "brand name" sites point to this IP address (if you are using the "wrong" DNS server). For example, see the report from the BFK passive DNS caching tools:
Please let us know if you are seeing outbound traffic to this IP address or if you see DNS resolution requests that return this IP address. We are still investigating details.
Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D.
SANS Technology Institute
Application Security: Securing Web Apps, APIs, and Microservices | Orlando | Apr 13th - Apr 18th 2025 |
I just read this article and did a quick scan via Arcsight for the past 4 days on our network just to see if anything showed up as a "destination" to the ip address posted in this article.
Results are in and Total Events: 375
Firewall states: Dropped UDP DNS request from label length bytes exceeds remaining packet length Possible malware server?
I may have another IP for you which is
Please let us know more info as I will continue investigating.
Dec 13th 2011
1 decade ago
For example, http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=AS:33626 mentions a number of hostnames associated with malware. Of those, the following currently resolve to sites-counter.com, phones4wow.com, a-n-d-the.com, livench.com, mydearmishima.com and mainnetsoll.com
(iphonecase.com, backyardbox.com and jiggythepom.com currently resolve to
See http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/viruses.php?ip= for some malware URL's, or Google to: "" malware
Finally http://www.robtex.com/ip/ lists possibly more hostnames associated with (though not as many as bfk.de).
Dec 13th 2011
1 decade ago
Dec 13th 2011
1 decade ago
Dec 14th 2011
1 decade ago
Dec 14th 2011
1 decade ago
The queries seem to come in bursts, and they also have day/night fluctuation. As I could not understand where these queries might be coming from I contacted DNS hosting partner. They said there is broken crawler somewhere in internet causing trouble for many domains. Perhaps this is related.
Dec 15th 2011
1 decade ago
Robtex = 200+ registered to this ip address [http://www.robtex.com/ip/]
HostExploit.com =
Dec 18th 2011
1 decade ago