Possible Mumbai Scams?

Published: 2008-11-29. Last Updated: 2008-11-29 22:20:33 UTC
by Pedro Bueno (Version: 1)
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 As we all have been observing the last few days, there was an terrorist attack on Mumbai, India. As many other major events, this one caught a lot of media coverage, which opens a door for people who likes to make money on tragedies like this.

Over the last day we saw a spike on domains related to the Mumbai attack (more than 15 new domains).

Most of the domain information is protected (thanks GoDaddy), but accessing the websites, it is not posible to confirm that they will be used by scams, since they are all either with a 'park' message or with some google links (trying to make money).

We will keep our eyes on those domains on the next days to see what are they up to, but we also advice you to pay attention on any domain related to the Mumbai attacks, due request for donations, etc.... Remeber also that several virus take advantage of such events to act...

be vigilant, as always...


Handler on duty: Pedro Bueno ( pbueno //&&// isc. sans. org )

Keywords: Mumbai Scams
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