MoonSols Dumpit released...for free!

Published: 2011-08-13. Last Updated: 2011-08-13 18:08:16 UTC
by Rick Wanner (Version: 1)
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The people over at MoonSols have made their amazing one-click memory dump tool Dumpit available for free download.

Dumpit vastly simplifies memory acquisition. Effectively Dumpit combines win32dd and win64dd into one tool and is so simple to use even a non-technical user could do acquisition from a USB key. The dump can then be analyzed using conventional tools such as Redline or Volatility.

For a quick demo of Dumpit, check out the video demo from fellow handler Lenny Zeltser.

-- Rick Wanner - rwanner at isc dot sans dot org - - Twitter:namedeplume (Protected)

Keywords: dumpit moonsols
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