ISC Feature of the Week: Report Fake Tech Support Calls

Published: 2012-08-10. Last Updated: 2012-08-10 19:48:13 UTC
by Adam Swanger (Version: 1)
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Ever been sitting down to dinner with the family and get that phone call saying your computer has a virus and miraculously the person on the other end knows all about it and how to fix it immediately!? This week we cover where you can send information about the call to help us better understand how common these calls are and what they might hope to achieve.

The form has been available for a few months and calls continue to be reported so  please take a moment to look it over in case you ever receive one of these calls. Never do any of the things they ask on a production or personal computer! As soon as there is sufficient data to generate meaningful reports, we'll let ya know so you can see the common threads of these calls.


Previous coverage

Here's how to get to the form on the ISC website

The form is all optional information you choose to submit about the call. If we make an edit function later you will be able to append/amend your submission if you are logged into the ISC/DShield site when you fill out the form. We will not associate any reporting information with your id or email address. Please do not enter any personal information (like your phone number, or any data like credit card numbers the attacker tried to extract). If you suffered any damage from the attack, you may consider contacting law enforcement.

The form collects general information like caller's gender, non native accent to specific details like URL you might have been asked to visit and their phone number if callerID displayed it. Check out the entire form at to get an idea of what to ask if you receive one of these cold calls of fill in and please submit if you have details to share.


Post suggestions or comments in the section below or send us any questions or comments in the contact form on
Adam Swanger, Web Developer (GWEB, GWAPT)
Internet Storm Center

Keywords: ISC feature
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