ISC Feature of the Week: Infocon

Published: 2012-03-15. Last Updated: 2012-03-15 16:29:27 UTC
by Adam Swanger (Version: 1)
2 comment(s)


You can view the current Infocon status at as well as in other areas of our site.

The intent of the 'Infocon' is to reflect changes in malicious traffic and the possibility of disru   pted connectivity. Our handlers monitor DShield logs, emails and numerous other internet sources in order to determine if the Infocon level should be adjusted. There are 4 definition levels of the Infocon as outlined below.


Link To Current Infocon Status -

Applications and Widgets -

There are a variety of additional ways to keep an eye on the Infocon level. Methods include Windows systray, OS X widget, KDE application, nagios alerts and Firefox extension.

Infocon Definition -

Note: There is a Blue TEST status not used in everyday alert levels.

  1. Green - Everything is normal
  2. Yellow - Currently tracking a significant new threat
  3. Orange - Major disruption in connectivity is imminent
  4. Red - Loss of connectivity across a large part of the internet.

Infocon HIstory -

A list of Infocon changes by date with a reason and link where possible.


What ways and where do you use the Infocon? Share suggestions or feedback in the section below or send us any questions or comments in the contact form at

Adam Swanger, Web Developer (GWEB, GWAPT)
Internet Storm Center (

Keywords: ISC feature
2 comment(s)


It appears that the frequency of changes in status has decreased significantly over time. Is that because of fewer threats, less virulent threats, or a lessened sensitivity? If the latter, does that mean that it is less useful than it could be? I don't see much utility in having a perpetually green icon on a page.
In part the reason is that the infocon was originally designed for worm and other "internet wide" issues. More recently, we are seeing more limited and more clandestine threats from bots. But well, looking at the RDP issue, this may change soon. We are also considering a "re-do" of the infocon, but this will not happen any time soon as we are aware of the history and are not trying to break things too much.

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