Happy New Year from the Syrian Electronic Army - Skypeâ??s Social Media Accounts Hacked

Published: 2014-01-01. Last Updated: 2014-01-01 23:00:26 UTC
by Russ McRee (Version: 1)
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UPDATE 1500 PDT 01 JAN: Skype Blogs now recovered and reverted to normal. Be sure to add all available protection to your social media accounts and don't use one password to access them all.

The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) has compromised Skype’s blog and posted anti-NSA and anti-Microsoft messages with such joyful tidbits as "Don’t use Microsoft emails (hotmail,outlook), They are monitoring your accounts and selling the data to the governments."

Skype Blog Pwn

SEA also gained control of Skype’s Facebook and Twitter accounts although messages posted have since been removed.
Follow all the fun on Twitter.



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