XP SP3 Issues

Published: 2008-05-17. Last Updated: 2008-05-18 11:25:42 UTC
by Lorna Hutcheson (Version: 2)
1 comment(s)

According to an article published by Information Week, the newly released XP SP3 is causing systems to blue screen (aka BSOD) on AMD based systems.  Microsoft and HP seem to think its center around the Power Managment feature.  Here is an example of a message you might receive:

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer...
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0xFC5CCAF3, 0xFC90F8C0, 0xFC90F5C0

 HP has posted a work around that has you go boot into Safe Mode and disable the Intel Power Management. 

Apparently there are other problems with SP3 according to the article.  If you have deployed XP3 and have encountered the BSOD or other major issues with SP3 please let us know.   If you haven't deployed XP3 and your waiting, I'd like to know the reasons behind this as well.  Remember there are some caveats that you need to be aware before deploying this service pack.   Check out this ISC article for more information.


ISC contributors also sent in links to a blog by Jesper Johansson. The blog contains loads of information on the issue and a link to Jesper's "small tool that will detect the IntelPPM problem and mitigate it before installing the service pack".

For free SP3 MS support call (866) 234-6020 ("Free unlimited installation and compatibility support is available for Windows XP, but only for Service Pack 3 (SP3). This support for SP3 is valid until April 14, 2009).

1 comment(s)


There are numerous people having issues running windows update after installing sp3. I found this out today after I reinstalled xp pro with sp2 that came with my dell precision 380 and then immediately ran the sp3 network install. I had to register the wups2.dll for windows update to work again. It seems that Microsoft has no idea that this is happening... Surprised? I think not.


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