Couple ISC site updates
The page which allows you for new diary notifications was broken and is now fixed again (see ).
A couple weeks ago I added AS reports. They are still being tested. Let me know if you have feedback. (see )
We are planning in the not to distant future to do a test of our "infocon" system. This is just a pre-pre notification and here is the overall plan I am thinking about right now:
- publish a story with details about the test, a few days in advance.
- publish a second diary story with details about the test, one hour before the test.
- change the infocon. I am thinking about using the suffix "test" in our infocon.txt ( ) file.
- update the second story once all is back to normal.
So if you are triggering any notifications, be aware that this may happen. I will run the test around noon EDT. This is about the time when most of our readers are awake (Europe + US). Its probably better to do this during business hours then late at night. No need to wake up anybody with a pager alert.
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Application Security: Securing Web Apps, APIs, and Microservices | Orlando | Apr 13th - Apr 18th 2025 |
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