Crypto Wallet Scam: Not For Free

    Published: 2025-02-08. Last Updated: 2025-02-08 18:47:03 UTC
    by Didier Stevens (Version: 1)
    0 comment(s)

    I did some research into multisig wallets (cfr "Crypto Wallet Scam"), and discovered that setting up such a wallet on the TRON network comes with a cost: about $23.

    First I used the TronLink extension to create a wallet:

    Then I went to that wallet on Tronscan, and selected the Permissions tab:

    And there I added a new permission (giving all operations to another wallet) and deleted the original permission:

    And when I saved my changes, and got this prompt:

    You can't create a multisig wallet by changing permissions for free: it costs 100 TRX, that's about $23.


    Didier Stevens
    Senior handler

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