Request for Packets: Port 15454
Starting 12-JUL-2018 the number of DShield participants reporting probes for port 15454 started to rise. It popped up on the experimental trends report ( yesterday. Fellow handler Richard Porter thought it sounded like a "debugger port for an App" and after a quick jaunt to The Googles he returned with an old report that this port opens up when the Clound9 IDE is doing its thing. (Source:
We're curious if that initial guess is correct or not. Are you seeing this as well? Any pattern to the source or interesting tool marks. Or better yet: Got Packets?
If so, hits us up on the contact form:
Looking at my own sensors, I see one source It was looking for ports in the 15000 range. So looking at the DSHield logs for port 15453 port 15455 port 15456 around 15454 you see a similar uptick. IN additon to the 15000 ports it was also hitting 22.